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长平奶牛场扩大规模和奶制品加工项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:利用现有养殖基地,扩大奶牛饲养规模,使奶牛存栏达到2500头以上,增置奶制品生产设备,新建牛舍及厂房10000平方米。投资估算与资金来源:项目投资总额1000万美元,拟利用域外资金1000万美元。项目市场与投资项目效益分析:随着人民生活水平的逐步提高和营养观念的转变,奶制品市场需求量逐年扩大,鲜奶及相关奶制品消费群体日益增多,据测算,仅廊坊市每天奶制品需求量4万公斤左右;建设有规模的奶牛饲养基地和奶制品加工生产基地补充廊坊市场消费需求,前景广阔。项目建成后,按奶牛存栏4000头计算,日产奶量可达46000公斤,年可实现收入6800万元,年实现利润2000万元;投资回收期35年。投资项目规模:建设集养殖、加工、销售为一体的养殖公司。招商机构概况:廊坊市广阳区长平奶牛场建于2004年;占地500亩;厂房5000平方米。拥有固定资产1200万元。有职工15名,高级技术人员3名,现存栏奶牛1500头,年纯利润100万元。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作、股份制均可 招商引资联系人:樊旭 项目招商机构:廊坊市万庄镇人民政府 招商引资电话:0086-316-601*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-601*** 招商引资地址:河北省廊坊市广阳区万庄镇人民政府


Expanding Scale and Dairy Product Processing Project of Changping Dairy Farm

Project contentutilize the existing breeding base to expand the scale of cow breeding, having the cow herds been above 2,500; add dairy production equipment and build new cow houses and plants with10,000 square meters .Investment Estimation and Funding SourcesThe total investment of the project is10 million USD, including external capital of10 million usd .Market and Economic Effectiveness AnalysisWith the gradual improvement of people's living standard and the transformation of nutrition concept, the market demand of dairy products is rising year by year and the consumer group of fresh milk and relevant dairy products is increasing day by day. According to the estimation, just in Langfang, the amount of the dairy products demanded every day is about 40 thousand kilograms; it is very promising to build a relatively large-scale breeding base of cows and a processing and production base of dairy products to supplement the market and consumption demands of Langfang. If the completion of the project has the cow herds reached 4,000, the daily milk production will reach 46,000 kilograms with an annual income of 68 million yuan and an annual profit of 20 million yuan; the payback period of this investment is 35 years .Construction ScaleTo construct a breeding company integrating breeding, processing and selling .Company ProfileChangping Dairy Farm in Guangyang District, Langfang was established in 2004; it covers an area of 500mu (333 hectares), with a plant area of 5,000 square meters. It has fixed asset valued12 million yuan. There are招商引资电话:15 employees and 3 senior technicians. At present, the farm has1,500 cows and an annual net profit of1 million yuan .Cooperative Formsjoint venture, cooperative or joint stock ContactPersonsFan Xu

Company NameWanzhuang Town People's Government, Langfang ContactNumber0086-316-601*** Fax0086-316-601***

Mailing AddressGuangyang District, Langfang, Hebei, Wanzhuang Town People's Government


万庄镇无公害蔬菜基地项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:基地集生产销售于一体建设一个三千平米的蔬菜储运站和蔬菜包装厂。投资估算与资金来源:拟投资1160万美元。项目市场与投资项目效益分析:通过对京、津两地市场的调查分析,近几年两地对无公害蔬菜的需求量在不断增加,近几年随着人民生活水平的提高,消费者不在满足于吃饱,吃好。对蔬菜提出更高的要求--吃出健康。这必然促进绿色无公害蔬菜的发展,我镇无公害蔬菜基地的建立必然有广阔的发展前景。项目预计三年全部完成,项目建成后预计年销售收入2000万元,销售利润800万元,投资利润率10%。预计10年可收回投资。投资项目规模:利用万庄镇原有蔬菜种植村街的土地,建立一个占地1000亩,以温室大棚为主,兼露天种植的无公害蔬菜基地。招商机构概况:万庄镇毗邻京、津,西距北京市区50公里,东距天津市区60公里,津京两地人口重多蔬菜消费量大,我镇作为两地蔬菜最大的供应地,又有中国农科院高新技术园区的引进,给我们的无公害蔬菜基地项目带来了新的发展机会,改变原有的蔬菜种植模式,采用高新技术发展现代农业有着广阔的发展前景。招商引资合作方式:合作 招商引资联系人:樊旭 项目招商机构:廊坊市万庄镇人民政府 招商引资电话:0086-316-601*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-601*** 招商引资地址:河北省廊坊市广阳区万庄镇人民政府


The Project of Green Vegetable Base in Wanzhuang Town

Project contentThe base, integrating production and sales, will be made into a vegetable storage station and packing factory, covering an area of 3000 square kilometers .Investment Estimation and Funding SourcesThe proposed investment is116 million USD .Market and Economic Effectiveness AnalysisThrough the investigation and analysis of Beijing and Tianjin markets, the demand for green vegetables in both areas has been increasing and the consumers have been no longer satisfied with eating full and eating well with the improvement of people's living standards in recent years. They have put forward higher requirements on vegetables-healthy eating. It will certainly promote the development of green vegetables, and the establishment of Green Vegetable Base in our town will certainly have brilliant and broad prospects for future development. This project will be finished in 3 years as estimated. After its completion, the estimated sales will be 20 million yuan per year with the sales profit reaching 08 million yuan. The profit rate of investment will be10% and the investment will be paid back in10 years as expected .Construction ScaleUsing the land of the villages growing vegetable originally in our town to build a Green Vegetable Base occupying1000 mu with the greenhouse mainly and also the outdoor planting .Company ProfileOur town is adjacent to Beijing and Tianjin. The west is 50 km to Beijing urban area and the east is 60 km to Tianjin urban area. There is a a large population in Beijing and Tianjin and the consumption market of vegetables is vast. We are the largest vegetable provider for these 2 areas and have also introduced the Hi-tech Development Zone of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, which brings new development opportunities to our Green Vegetable Base project and changes the old vegetable planting mode. Developing modern agriculture applying high and new technology has a broad and promising prospect .Cooperative FormsCooperative ContactInformationContactsFan Xu

Unit NameWanzhuang Town People's Government of Langfang ContactNumber0086-316-601*** Fax0086-316-601***

Mailing AddressGuangyang District, Langfang, Hebei



招商引资内容:主要建设加工车间、办公检测楼(其中包括检验室、信息中心)及蔬菜的服务设施,检测系统,放心菜服务系统等。投资项目规模:占地面积:40000平方米,年培植木耳200万袋、香菇100万袋。投资估算与资金来源:该项目拟投资1000万美元。项目市场及投资项目效益分析:年产值3120万元,利税500万元。该项目具有良好的社会效益及经济效益。招商机构概况:河南神众生物科技有限公司建于20058月,注册资本100万元,是我国集无公害蔬菜生产、加工、检测、包装、配送、销售为一体的科技型农业产业化龙头企业。招商引资合作方式:采取公司+合作社+农户的模式。项目招商机构:河南神众生物科技有限公司 招商引资联系人:孙伯利 招商引资电话:0086-316-216*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-216***


Organic Edible Fungus cultivation Project

Project contentmainly construct processing workshops, office buildings for detection (including testing laboratories and information centers), service facilities for vegetables, detection system, service system for safe vegetables, etc .Construction ScaleIt has an area of 40,000 square meters and cultivates 2 million bags of edible fungus and1 million bags of lentinus edodes annually .Investment Estimation and Funding SourcesThe proposed investment of this project is10 million dollars .Market and Economic Effectiveness AnalysisThe annual output value is 312 million yuan and the profit and tax is 5 million yuan. This project has good social and economic benefits .Company ProfileHenan Shenzhong Biological Technology Co., Ltd. was established in August, 2005 with its registered capital of1 million yuan. It is the leading company of the scientific agricultural industrialization in our country, integrating the production, processing, detection, packing, delivery and marketing of green vegetables .Cooperative FormsThe Company operates autonomously, adopting the pattern of company plus cooperatives plus peasant household. ContactCompanyHenan Shenzhong Biological Technology Co., Ltd. ContactPersonsSun Boli Tel0086-316-216*** Fax0086-316-216***



招商引资内容:主要建设加工车间、办公检测楼(其中包括检验室、信息中心)及蔬菜的服务设施,检测系统,放心菜服务系统等。投资估算与资金来源:总投资1100万美元。项目市场及投资项目效益分析:年销售收入3500万元,年利润1200万元,税金120万元,投资回收期35年。该项目具有良好的社会效益及经济效益。投资项目规模:占地面积45万平方米,建筑面积15万平方米,年产胡萝卜浓缩汁3500吨。招商机构概况:陕西太白绿农蔬菜有限责任公司建于200510月,注册资本500万元,是我国集无公害蔬菜生产、加工、检测、包装、配送、销售为一体的科技型农业产业化龙头企业。招商引资合作方式:采取公司+合作社+农户的模式。项目招商机构:陕西太白绿农蔬菜有限责任公司 招商引资联系人:孙伯利 招商引资电话:0086-316-216*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-216***


Project of Deep Processing of Carrots

Project contentmainly construct the processing workshops, the office buildings for detection (including testing laboratories and information centers), service facilities for vegetables, detection system and service system for safe vegetables, etc .Investment Estimation and Funding Sources11 million dollars .Market and Economic Effectiveness AnalysisThe annual sale income is 35 million yuan; the annual profit is12 million yuan; tax to be paid is12 million yuan; and the payback period of this investment is 35 years. This project has good social and economic benefits .Construction ScaleIt covers an area of 45,000 square meters, with the construction area of 15,000 square meters and produces 3,500 tons of concentrated carrot juice annually .Company ProfileShaanxi Taibai Green Farm Vegetable Co., Ltd was founded in October 2005, with the registered capital of 5 million yuan. It is a leading technology-based company of agriculture industrialization in China, integrating green vegetable production, processing, detection, packaging, distribution and sales .Cooperative FormsThe Company operates autonomously, adopting the pattern of company plus cooperatives plus peasant household. ContactCompanyShaanxi Taibai Lvnong Vegetables Co., Ltd. ContactPersonsSun Boli ContactNumber0086-316-216*** Fax0086-316-216***


长征现代农业创意产业园项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:园区占地面积1800亩,总建()筑物面积为829967平方米,其中,构筑物面积796667平方米,建筑面积33300平方米。建设内容包括:太阳能温室区,构筑物面积380000平方米;规模化特种养殖区,构筑物面积200000平方米;工厂化生产区,建设LED转光温室,构筑物面积150000平方米;农业文化展示区,建设智能玻璃连栋温室,构筑物面积66667平方米;办公生活区,建筑面积33300平方米;露天种植区,面310039平方米;道路及停车场,面积60000平方米。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目预计投资17亿美元。企业自筹一部分;争取中国农发重点建设基金用于增加资本金;向银行申请项目贷款;招商引资;对外融资。项目投资市场分析:项目地点位于京津之间,地理位置优越,园区定位以“设施农业、观光农业、生态农业、休闲度假”为主题,突出高标准、高科技、高效益的建设理念,以新的创意方式体现吃、住、行、游、购、娱、康、体、疗、悟等功能。特色鲜明,功能齐全,具有广阔的发展前景。投资项目效益分析:园区总体建成后,年营业额577738万美元,利润263523万美元,税收65877万美元,可安排1000余人就业。招商引资建设条件:项目已在廊坊市发改委备案,前期工作正在有序进行。目前已流转土地1000亩,项目资金基本落实,已具备开工建设条件。项目招商机构:长征现代农业创意产业园承办单位为廊坊市长征农业开发有限公司,于20138月正式成立,法定代表人马长征,公司地址廊坊市广阳区南尖塔镇南甸村西南(廊万路廊坊市长征驾驶员培训有限公司旁),注册资金035亿美元,经营范围包括:农产品、蔬菜的种植销售;农业技术开发、技术咨询及技术转让;农业信息咨询;园内观光;农业机械、工具、化肥的销售;猪、牛、羊、家禽、鹿、兔的养殖和销售。招商引资合作方式:独资。招商引资联系人:张植刚招商引资电话:1803160*** 招商引资地址:廊坊市廊万路186 招商地址邮编:06*** 招商引资邮件:26385995**[ta]**com


ChangZheng modern agricultural Creative Industrial Park

Project ContentPark covers an area of 1800 acres, with a total construction area of 829967 square meters, of which the building area of 796667 square meters, construction area of 33300 square meters. Construction content includessolar greenhouse area, build area of 380000 square meters; scale special breeding area, building area of 2 00000 square meters; factory production area and construction led light conversion greenhouse, building area of 150000 square meters; agricultural culture display area, construction of intelligent glass greenhouse, build area 66667 square meters, office and living area, building area of 33300 square meters; outdoor planting area, the surface 310039 square meters; roads and parking, the area of 60000 square mete***

Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe project is expected to invest170 million USD.To raise funds, mainly have the following several kinds of formsenterprise self; for China agricultural development key construction funds for a capital increase; to the bank application loan project; investment; foreign financing .Market AnalysisProject site is located between Beijing and Tianjin, the geographical position is superior, the park, located in facility agriculture, sightseeing agriculture, ecological agriculture, leisure resort "as the theme, the construction idea of the outstanding high standard, high-tech, high efficiency, new and creative ways to reflect food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping, entertainment, health, body, treatment and understanding and other functions. Distinctive features, complete functions, has broad prospects for development .Benefit AnalysisAfter the overall completion of the park, the annual turnover of more than US 577 million, a profit of US263 million .Construction ConditionsProject has been in Langfang city development and Reform Commission for the record, the preliminary work is in an orderly manner. Currently has1000 acres of land transfer, the basic implementation of the project funds, already have the conditions to start construction .General Description of Chinese Sponsorlonch of modern agricultural garden of industry of originality of organizer for Langfang Changzheng Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., was established in August 2013, long march of the troops of the legal representative, company address Langfang Guangyang District South steeple Austin Town southwest of the village ofAAA, Lang Wan Road, Langfang City March driver and limited Si Pang, registered capital of $35 million, business scope includeagricultural products, vegetable planting sales; agricultural technology development, technology consultation and technology transfer; agricultural information consultation; sightseeing park; sales of agricultural machinery, tools, chemical fertilizer; pigs, cattle, sheep, poultry, deer, rabbits raising and selling. ContactWaySole proprietorship. ContactPersonzhangzhigang. Tel1803160*** AddressLangfang city Langwanlu No.招商引资电话:186 Post Code06*** E-mail26385995**[ta]**com



招商引资内容:有机循环农业、生态养殖、有机蔬菜、苗圃种植。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额3800万美元。项目投资市场分析:农业生态园项目,产品可以成功的覆盖北京、天津、河北等地的蔬菜和鲜肉的供应,农产品生产向有机食品、绿色食品、无公害产品转化,提出了农产品生产和经营的市场方向。随着人民生活水平日益提高,绿色消费在国际国内市场是大势所趋。据市场调查,目前市场上具有有机、绿色认证的农产品是普通农产品价格的3-5倍,且供不应求。该项目进行有机绿色果品生产经营,具有良好的市场效益。招商引资建设条件:项目位于廊坊市永清县后奕镇董相庄村南,距离京台高速(即廊沧高速)永清南出口约5公里,毗邻永清县后奕产业聚集区,地块距离永清县城约10公里,距霸州市约15公里。投资项目效益分析:财务测算和分析,本项目(全部投产后年平均值)年营业收入4500万美元,年利润总额2200万美元,年税后利润1200万美元。所得税1000万美元。项目招商机构:河北建投城镇化建设开发有限公司,是经河北省政府批准,由河北建投集团整合内部产业资源,于20137月挂牌成立的一家以城镇化建设和城市基础设施投资、开发为主的专业化企业,初始注册资本2亿元。招商引资合作方式:股权合作 招商引资联系人:李宝刚 招商引资电话:0086-311-8528*** 招商引资邮箱:libaogang521**[ta]**a.com招商引资地址:河北省石家庄桥西区裕华西路9号裕园广场A5


Yongqing Jingnan modern agricultural garden Project

Project contentOrganic recycling agricultureecological breedingorganic vegetablesnursery planting

Investment estimation and financing sourceProjects with a total investment of $38 million .Market analysisAgriculture ecological garden project, the product can be successfully covered Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, vegetables and meat supply, agricultural production to organic food, green food, pollution-free products transformation, put forward agricultural products production and operation of the market direction. With the increasing improvement of living standard, the green consumption in the domestic and international market is to represent the general trend. According to the market survey, currently on the market with organic, green certification of agricultural products is 3-5 times the average prices of agricultural products, and in short supply. The project to carry out the production of organic green fruit, good market efficiency .The construction conditionAccording to Financial calculations and analysis, the annual revenues of project (After whole Base operations, the year average) can be $ 38 million, include $ 20 million gross profit, $18 million after-tax profit, $1 million income tax .Economic benefit analysisFinancial calculation and analysis, the project (all put into its annual average) annual revenue of $45 million, the annual total profit of $22 million, annual profit after tax of $12 million. Income tax of $1 million China to undertake unit overviewhebei built cast urbanization construction development co., LTD., was approved by the hebei provincial government, integration of industry resources within by hebei construction group, was founded in July 2013 a according to the construction of urbanization and urban infrastructure investment, development of specialized enterprises, the initial registered capital of 200 million yuan .Method of cooperationequity cooperation

ContactLi Baogang

Telephone0086-311-8528*** E-maillibaogang521**[ta]**a.com Address5 floorBlock A,Yuyuan Plaza,No.9 Yuhua West Road,Shijiazhuang,Hebei,P.R.China


王裴庄农业观光园建设项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:建项共有土地500亩,拟招合作方,引进融种植、养殖、采摘、观光、餐饮、住宿、旅游于一体的农业观光园建设项目。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额1000万美元,拟利用外资1000万美元。项目投资市场分析:该项目紧邻津保路,距县城45公里,区位优势明显,四周有2000亩杨树林,附近有大坑和沟渠,适合种养殖和观光农业,发展前景广阔。投资项目效益分析:项目建成后,预计正常年销售收入1500万元,实现利税100万元,吸纳就业300人。招商引资建设条件:项目坐落于河北省廊坊市大城县平舒镇王裴庄村西,路网已建成,紧邻津保路,距县城45公里,交通便利。招商机构概况:现有闲置地500亩为王裴庄村集体所有,四周有2000亩杨树林,附近有大坑和沟渠,适合种养殖和观光农业。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作。招商引资联系人:王春生招商引资电话:1370036*** 招商引资地址:大城县平舒镇王裴庄村 招商引资邮箱:pszaiying**[ta]**com


Agriculture sightseeing garden construction project

Project ContentTo build a total of 500 acres of land, plans to recruit partners, the introduction of planting, breeding, picking, tourism, catering, accommodation, travel in the integration of agricultural sightseeing garden construction projects .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceProject total investment is10 million dollars to utilization of foreign capital of $10 million .Market AnalysisThe project is 45 km away from the county seat, location advantages obviously, surrounded by a 2000 mu of forests, near a large hole and ditches, broad prospects for development .Construction ConditionsThe project is completed, normal annual sales income15 million Yuan, is expected to achieve profits of1 million Yuan, absorb the employment of 300 people .Benefit AnalysisNetwork has been built around projects, 45 kilometers away from the county seat, the transportation is convenient .Company profileExisting idle land 500 mu for the collective, around 2000 mu of forests, near a large hole and ditches .Cooperation PatternJoint venture and cooperation. ContactPersonWang Chunsheng Tel.:0086-1370 036***

Mailing Addressdacheng county shu ping town Wang Peizhuang village Post Code06*** E-mailpszaiying**[ta]**com



呼叫中心项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:集聚一批业务外包和呼叫中心领域领先企业,建成国内一流的呼叫中心产业基地;建立呼叫中心与物流电子商务的线上、线下运营平台,完善融合发展的经验与模式 项目投资估算及投资资金来源:29亿美元 项目投资市场分析:尽管呼叫中心产业已经有了三十余年的发展,但市场饱合度还很低,尤其是以中国为代表的新兴市场。随着用户对客户服务质量要求的进一步提高,呼叫中心市场需求仍将持续高速增长,未来呼叫中心产业的发展空间巨大。投资项目效益分析:项目建成后,正常年可实现平均营业收入3亿元,平均净利润1亿元。招商引资建设条件:三河新兴产业园区位处北京东腹地区域,东接三河市区,西邻燕郊国家高新技术产业开发区,南连大厂回族自治县,北依北京平谷经济开发区,区内有京秦、京平两条高速,102国道、蒋谭线东西并行贯穿,南北路北接平谷南通廊坊;京秦铁路支线三平线以及正在规划的S3线轨道交通环绕园区;区内目前还正在规划建设国内首个通航机场项目。项目招商机构:三河新兴产业园区 招商引资合作方式:合资或合作 招商引资联系人:史占峰 招商引资电话:0086-10-5264*** 招商引资传真:0086-10-5264*** 招商引资邮箱:shxinxingchanye**[ta]**com


The project of Call Center

Project ContentA group of leading companies in business outsourcing and call center will be collected here and a domestic first-class industrial base in call center will be built. We will set up an online and offline operation platform in call center and electronic commerce logistics, and meanwhile we will improve and integrate development experience and mode .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceUSD 290 million

Market AnalysisDespite the call center industry has been developed for more than 30 years, but the market saturation is still very low, especially in China, which is the representative of the emerging markets. With the further improvement of requirements in customer service quality, market demand of call center will be growing continuously and rapidly, and the call center industry will have a large space for development in the future .Benefit AnalysisAfter the completion of the project, the normal annual average operating income can reach 300 million yuan and the average net profit can reach100 million yuan .Construction ConditionsSanhe Emerging Industrial Park is located in the East hinterland of Beijing, which meets Sanhe City in the east, Yanjiao National High-tech Industrial Development Park in the west, Hui Autonomous County of Dachang in the south, Beijing Pinggu Economic Development Park in the north.Beijing-Qinhuangdao Expressway and Beijing-Pinggu Expressway are both laid in the Park.102 National Road and Jiangtan Road, two east-west lines ,run parallel throughout the Park connecting Pinggu in the north and Langfang in the South. Beijing-Qinhuangdao railway ,Sanping line and the planned S3 rail transit are both around the park. The first domestic airport navigation project is also being planned in the Park .Cooperative FormJoint contribution or cooperation ContactPersonSHI Zhan Feng Tel0086-316-5264*** Fax0086-316- 5264*** E-mailshxinxingchanye**[ta]**com


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