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招商引资内容:项目占地30亩,建设生产车间、仓库、办公楼等建筑面积18627平方米,购置设备118台套。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额2728万美元,其均由项目单位自筹。项目投资市场分析:“CL(Composite Light-weight)结构体系” 是一种新型保温隔热的承重复合钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构体系,于200212月通过建设部科技成果鉴定,“其综合技术达国际先进水平”,是目前建设部重点推广的新型节能建筑结构体系之一。招商引资建设条件:项目拟选址在文安工业新区园区路北侧 投资项目效益分析:项目达产后,可实现销售收入56695万美元,利税1649万美元。项目招商机构:河北佳强节能科技有限公司 招商机构简介:公司成立于2013年,主要经营新型建筑用环保节能材料,是一家集科研、生产、销售、施工、技术服务于一体的新型建材企业。注册地为文安工业新区,员工110人,总资产389亿元 招商引资合作方式:独资 招商引资联系人:王强招商引资电话:1312168*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-539*** 招商引资地址:文安工业新区 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:xwnc588**[ta]**com


Annual production capacity of 23 million square meters of CL structure system

Project contentthe project covers an area of 30 acres, the construction of production workshop, warehouse, office buildings and other construction area of 18627 square meters, the acquisition of equipment of118 sets .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment of the project is USD 27 million 280 thousand .Market analysis"CL (Composite Light-weight) system is a new type insulation load-bearing composite reinforced concrete shear wall structure system, in December 2002 through the Ministry of construction and identification of scientific and technological achievements," the overall technology reached the international advanced level, the Ministry of construction is one of the focus on the promotion of new energy-saving structure system at present .Construction conditionsthe project is planned to be located on the north side of Wen'an Industrial Park

Economic benefit analysisafter the project is completed, the sales income will be USD 566 million 950 thousand and the profit and tax will be USD16 million 490 thousand .General description of Chinese enterpriseHebei good energy-saving technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2013, mainly engaged in environmental protection and energy saving materials of new building, new building materials company is a collection of scientific research, production, sales, construction, technical services in one. Registered in Wen'an Industrial Zone,110 employees, total assets of $389 million

Mode of cooperationsole proprietorship

ContactWang Qiang Tel1312168*** Fax0086-316-539*** AddressWen'an Industrial Zone Zip code06*** E-mailxwnc588**[ta]**com


年产150万立方米高端及特种用途橡塑绝热制品项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:项目拟占地1333公顷,总建筑面积122万平方米,主要建设生产车间、库房、办公用房及其他附属用房,购置主要设备180()。项目投产后,正常年产高端及特种用途橡塑绝热制品150万立方米。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额25亿美元,拟利用外资9000万美元。项目投资市场分析:橡塑绝热保温材料性能优良,施工方便外观整洁美观,没有污染,应用广泛,是一种高品质的21世纪新一代保温节能材料。市场潜力和发展空间都很大。投资项目效益及市场预测分析:项目建成后,正常年产高端及特种用途橡塑绝热制品150万立方米,销售收入25亿美元,利润总额7000万美元。招商引资建设条件:项目地址位于大城县留各庄镇留邻居村,地理位置优越,交通便利,已经完成了供水、排水、电力、通信、燃气、热力等综合管网的铺设,是项目建设理想厂址。招商机构概况:华美节能科技集团有限公司位于大城县留各庄镇,主要生产销售各种绝热节能制品,公司拥有有最好的产品和专业的销售和技术团队,为客户提供最好的产品、良好的技术支持、健全的售后服务。“华美”牌商标为“中国驰名商标”。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作 招商引资联系人:高占起招商引资电话:1383268*** 招商引资地址:大城县留各庄镇留邻居村 招商引资邮箱:a5788604**[ta]**com


Annual output of 15 million cubic meters of high-end projects and special purpose rubber insulation products

Project Contentthe project covers an area of 1333 hectares, with a total construction area of122000 square meters, the main construction of the production workshop, warehouse, office space and other accessory occupancy, the purchase of main equipment招商引资电话:180 units (sets). After the project put into production, the normal with an annual output of 15 million cubic meters of high-end and special purpose rubber insulation products .Investment Estimation and Fund Sourcethe project total investment of $250 million, plans to use of foreign capital of $90 million .Market Analysisrubber insulation materials, excellent performance, construction convenient and neat and beautiful appearance, no pollution, wide application, is a kind of high quality in the 21st century a new generation of heat preservation and heat insulation material. Large market potential and development space .Construction Conditionsafter the completion of the project, with an annual output of 15 million cubic meters of high-end and special purpose rubber insulation products, sales revenue of $250 million, $70 million profit .Benefit Analysisthe project address leave area is located in county town leave neighbor village, the geographical position is superior, the transportation is convenient, has completed the water supply, drainage, electricity, communications, gas, heat, such as composite pipe laying, is ideal in project construction site .Company profilecolorful energy-saving technology group co., the main production and sales of various thermal insulation energy-saving products, the company has had the best products and professional sales and technical team, to provide the best products and good technical support and perfect after-sales service .Cooperation modejoint venture and cooperation ContactPersonGao Zhanqi Tel.:1383 268***

Postal addressdacheng county area town leave neighbor village Post Code06*** E-maila5788604**[ta]**com


年加工50万吨钢结构项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:项目占地667公顷,总建筑面积4万平方米,主要建设生产车间、库房、办公楼及其他附属设施,购置主要设备124()。项目投产后,正常年加工钢结构50万吨。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额1亿美元,拟利用外资4000万美元。项目投资市场分析:钢结构因自重轻、强度高、抗震性能好,并具有节能省地、可循环利用、建设周期短,建造和拆除时对环境污染较少等特点,被专家誉为21世纪的“绿色建筑”。近年来钢结构以其抗震、抗风、耐久、环保、快捷等优点在我国应用范围日益扩大,市场前景广阔。投资项目效益及市场预测分析:项目建成后,正常年加工钢结构50万吨,销售收入3亿美元,利润总额6000万美元。招商引资建设条件:项目地址位于大城县现代制造业工业园,地理位置优越,交通便利,园区已经完成了供水、排水、电力、通信、燃气、热力等综合管网的铺设,是项目建设理想厂址。招商机构概况:康通投资河北有限公司位于河北省廊坊市大城县现代制造业工业园,拥有最好的产品和专业的销售和技术团队,坚持诚信和让利于客户,坚持用自己的服务打动客户。主要经营销售:钢结构,承接钢结构施工。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作 招商引资联系人:马兆想招商引资电话:1351301*** 招商引资地址:大城县现代制造业工业园 招商引资邮箱:dcxdy**[ta]**com


Processing 500000 tons of steel structure project

Project ContentThe project covers an area of 667 hectares, with a total construction area of 40000 square meters, the main construction of the production workshop, warehouse, office buildings, and other ancillary facilities, the purchase of main equipment124 units (sets). After the project put into production, the normal processing 500000 tons of steel structure .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe project total investment of $100 million, plans to use of foreign capital of $40 million .Market AnalysisSteel structure because of light weight, high strength and good seismic performance, and is energy-saving and ground-saving, recycled, short construction period, by experts as the "green building" of the 21st century. In recent years, the steel structure with seismic and wind resistance, durable, environmental protection, and the advantages of quick application range widening in our country, the wide prospect of market .Construction ConditionsThe project is completed, the normal processing 500000 tons of steel structure, the sales revenue of $300 million, the total profits of $60 million .Benefit AnalysisThe Project is located in modern manufacturing industrial park, the geographical position is superior, the transportation is convenient, the park has completed the water supply, drainage, electricity, communications, gas, heat, such as composite pipe laying, is ideal in project construction site .Company profileKang Tong investment co., LTD is located in Lang fang city, modern manufacturing have the best products and professional sales and technical team, adhere to the integrity and the savings to the customer, adhere to impress clients with their own service. The main business salessteel structure, steel structure construction .Cooperation modeJoint venture and cooperation ContactPersonMa Zhaoxiang Tel.:1351301***

Postal addressDacheng County modern manufacturing industrial park Post Code06*** E-maildcxdy**[ta]**com



招商引资内容:项目拟占地667公顷,总建筑面积44万平方米,主要建设厂房、库房、办公用房及其他附属用房,购置美标泡沫玻璃生产线2条及其他辅助设备。项目投产后,正常年产5万立方米美标泡沫玻璃保温板。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额15亿美元,拟利用外资7000万美元。项目投资市场分析:泡沫玻璃保温板是一种性能优异的保温、隔热、吸音、防潮、防火及防腐的轻质高强绝热材料,广泛应用于建筑节能领域,随着国家对节能保温材料应用要求的不断提高,泡沫玻璃的市场需求将会大幅上升,市场前景极为广阔。投资项目效益及市场预测分析:项目建成后,正常年产美标泡沫玻璃保温板5万立方米,销售收入13亿美元,利润总额3000万美元。招商引资建设条件:项目地址位于大城县里坦镇石疙瘩村,地理位置优越,交通便利,已经完成了供水、排水、电力、通信、燃气、热力等综合管网的铺设,是项目建设理想厂址。招商机构概况:廊坊佳昊保温建材有限公司位于河北省廊坊市大城县蓦门村,为客户提供最好的产品、良好的技术支持、健全的售后服务。主要经营生产销售:泡沫玻璃保温板、硅酸铝制品、聚氨酯制品等。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作 招商引资联系人:刘宝中招商引资电话:1583167*** 招商引资地址:大城县里坦镇石疙瘩村 招商引资邮箱:ltdzb**[ta]**com


Annual output of 50000 cubic meters of American standard foam glass insulation board project

Project ContentThe project covers an area of 667 hectares, with a total construction area of 44000 square meters, the main construction workshop, warehouse, office space and other accessory occupancy, buy beautiful mark 2 foam glass production lines and other auxiliary equipment. After the project put into production, annual output of 50000 cubic meters of American standard normal foam glass insulation board .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe project total investment of $150 million, plans to use of foreign capital of $70 million .Market AnalysisFoam glass insulation board is a kind of excellent performance of heat preservation, fire protection and preservation of lightweight high strength heat insulation materials, widely used in the field of building energy efficiency, as the country to the requirement of energy saving heat preservation material application is increasing, the foam glass market demand will rise sharply, market prospect is extremely broad .Construction ConditionsThe project is completed, with an annual output of 50000 cubic meters of American standard foam glass insulation board, the sales revenue of $130 million, $30 million profit .Benefit AnalysisThe project address temple town stone a knot in one's village is located in the city, county, has completed the water supply, drainage, electricity, communications, gas, heat, such as composite pipe laying, is ideal in project construction site .Company profileThe company has the best products and professional sales and technical team, to provide the best products and good technical support and perfect after-sales service. Mainly engaged in production and salesfoam glass insulation board, aluminum silicate, polyurethane products, etc .Cooperation modeJoint venture and cooperation ContactPersonLiu Baozhong Tel.:0086-1583167***

Postal addressCity, county town stone a knot in one's village Post Code06*** E-mailltdzb**[ta]**com



招商引资内容:项目拟占地853公顷,总建筑面积为63万平方米,主要用于建设生产车间、库房、综合楼及其他附属用房,购置主要生产设备165(),项目建成后,形成年产6万吨综合铝型材的生产能力。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额6500万美元,拟利用外资2000万美元。项目投资市场分析:产品包括铝合金异型材、铝管、铝排、硬质合金铝棒、各种工业散热器和自行车配件等,目前国内市场建筑用高档隔热铝合金型材供不应求、交通用工业铝合金型材短缺,需依赖进口,市场前景广阔。投资项目效益及市场预测分析:项目建成后,年产综合铝型材6万吨。销售收入18亿美元,利润总额2000万美元。招商引资建设条件:项目地址位于大城县旺村镇流标村,地理位置优越,交通便利,是项目建设理想厂址。招商机构概况:廊坊首跃铝业有限公司,是铝型材行业知名企业,现拥有员工200余人,一直致力于铝型材的研发,生产,销售。主要生产各种建筑型材。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作 招商引资联系人:闫中元招商引资电话:1370036*** 招商引资地址:大城县旺村镇流标村 招商引资邮箱:wangcunjingwei**[ta]**com


Annual output of 60000 tons of integrated aluminum processing projects

Project ContentThe project covers an area of 853 hectares, with a total construction area of 63000 square meters, production workshop, warehouse, complex building is mainly used in construction and other accessory occupancy, purchase the main production equipment165 (set), after the completion of the project, comprehensive form the annual output of 60000 tons of aluminum production capacity .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe project total investment of $65 million, plans to use of foreign capital of $20 million .Market AnalysisThe products include aluminum alloy profiles, aluminum tube, carbide rods, all kinds of industrial radiators and bicycle accessories and so on, the current domestic market building high-grade heat insulation aluminum alloy profile in short supply, shortage of traffic in industrial aluminum profile, need to rely on import, the wide prospect of market .Construction ConditionsThe project is completed, an annual output of 60000 tons of integrated aluminum. Profit total sales income of $180 million to $20 million .Benefit AnalysisThe project is located in prosperous villages flow mark village, the geographical position is superior, the transportation is convenient, is the ideal project construction site .Company profileCompany is aluminum industry well-known enterprises, now has more than 200 employees, has been committed to the development of aluminum extrusions, production and sales. The main production of various construction profiles .Cooperation modeJoint venture and cooperation ContactPersonYan Zhongyuan Tel.:1370036***

Postal addressDacheng county prosperous villages flow standard village Post Code06*** E-mailwangcunjingwei**[ta]**com


新增8万吨优质岩棉制品项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:项目拟占地333公顷,新增建筑面积为13万平方米,新上优质岩棉生产线4条,主要生产岩棉板、岩棉毡。项目建成后,正常年产优质岩棉制品8万吨。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额6500万美元,拟利用外资2000万美元。项目投资市场分析:岩棉制品在建筑、石油、化工、电力、冶金、交通运输、农业等行业有广泛的应用,全国年需岩棉为238万吨,可创造产值119亿元。而当前能够应用于外墙保温上的岩棉产能与外墙保温市场规模相比差距甚远,市场缺口很大。投资项目效益及市场预测分析:项目建成后,正常年产8万吨优质岩棉制品,销售收入6500万美元,利润总额2200万美元。招商引资建设条件:项目地址位于大城县里坦镇娘娘庄村,地理位置优越,交通便利,是项目建设理想厂址。招商机构概况:廊坊富达化工建材有限公司是一家生产销售玻璃棉板、玻璃棉管、玻璃棉毡、复合岩棉板、酚醛板的企业。是目前中国较大的岩棉制品制造商。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作 招商引资联系人:高永强招商引资电话:1863165*** 招商引资地址:大城县里坦镇娘娘庄村 招商引资邮箱:ltdzb**[ta]**com


80000 tons of new high quality rock wool products project

Project ContentThe project covers an area of 333 hectares, the new construction area of 13000 square meters, the new high quality rock wool production line 4, the main production rock wool board, rock wool blanket. After the completion of the project, with an annual output of 80000 tons of high quality rock wool products .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe project total investment of $65 million, plans to use of foreign capital of $20 million .Market AnalysisRock wool products in building, petroleum, chemical, electric power, metallurgy, transportation, agriculture and other industries have a wide range of applications, the need to rock wool for 238 million tons, can create output value of119 billion Yuan. Current can be applied to rock wool on the outer wall heat preservation capacity is far from the outer wall heat preservation compared to the size of the market, the market gap is very large .Construction ConditionsThe project is completed, the normal annual output of 80000 tons of high quality rock wool products, the sales revenue of $65 million, the total profits of $22 million .Benefit AnalysisThe project address empress temple is located in the city, county town village, the geographical position is superior, the transportation is convenient, is the ideal project construction site .Company profileLang fang fidelity chemical building materials co., LTD. Is a production and sales of glass wool board, glass wool pipe and glass wool blanket, composite rock wool board, board of the enterprise. Is currently China's bigger rock wool products manufacturers .Cooperation modeJoint venture and cooperation ContactPersonGao Yongqiang Tel.:1863165***

Postal addressCity, county town empress village Post Code06*** E-mailltdzb**[ta]**com


超硬材料研发中心建设项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:项目占地45亩,建筑面积18万平米,主要用于建设厂房、库房、办宿用房及其他附属设施,购置各类科研设备60余套,聘请研发科技人员70余人,主要研究方向为超硬模具材料。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额1400万美元,拟利用外资1200万美元。项目投资市场分析:当前重工业大市场都离不开工业砂轮,从国家经济和产业发展的战略入手,砂轮磨具市场发展空间巨大。投资项目效益分析:项目建成后,预计正常年销售收入4000万美元,实现利润670万美元。招商引资建设条件:项目地址位于大城县北位乡魏胡村,地理位置优越,交通便利,是项目建设理想厂址。招商机构概况:廊坊盛森模具有限公司是一家专业生产各种砂轮的企业,该公司共有7条生产线,实力雄厚,拥有最好的产品和专业的销售和技术团队,为客户提供最好的产品、良好的技术支持、健全的售后服务。招商引资合作方式:合资 招商引资联系人:许群英招商引资电话:1370316*** 招商引资地址:大城县北魏乡魏胡村 招商引资邮箱:shengsen**[ta]**com


Hard materials research and development center construction project

Project ContentThe project covers an area of 45 mu, building area of 18 thousand square meters, mainly for the construction of factories, warehouses, office accommodation rooms and other ancillary facilities, the purchase of all kinds of scientific research more than 60 sets of equipment, hire R & D personnel more than 70 people, the main research direction for the ultra hard mold material .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe total investment of the project is14 million US dollars, which is expected to take advantage of US $12 million .Market AnalysisAt present, the heavy industry can not be separated from the industrial market, from the national economic and industrial development strategy, the development of grinding wheel Market huge space .Construction ConditionsAfter the completion of the project, the estimated annual sales revenue of $40 million, a profit of $6 million 700 thousand .Benefit AnalysisProject the geographical position is superior, the transportation is convenient, is ideal in project construction site .Company profileCompany is a professional manufacturer of all kinds of grinding wheel, the company has seven production lines, with abundant strength, have the best products and professional sales and technical team, to provide the best products and good technical support and perfect after-sales service .Cooperation PatternJoint venture and cooperation ContactPersonQun Ying xu Tel.:1370316***

Mailing AddressDacheng county Bei wei township wei Hu Village Post Code06*** E-mailshengsen**[ta]**com




广阳现代农业观光产业基地项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:位于河北廊坊广阳经济开发区内,项目占地 4000 亩,总建筑面积240万平方米,主要建设现代化农业种植(养殖)基地、休息农业生活体验基地,绿色农产品生产加工车间、现代化储存仓库、办公服务区、监测检测室及附属设施建设。投资估算与资金来源:项目预计总投资29亿美元,其中建设资金2亿美元,流动资金09亿美元。项目投资市场分析:项目建设以农业为基础,大力发展农业产业化。突出农味,走特色农业的道路。拓展设施栽培、生态养殖、立体种养、种养一体化等高效生态农业方式的功能,达到游客求变、求异、求新、求特、求美的消费心理。投资项目效益分析:项目投产后,正常年可实现销售收入15亿美元,年销售利润7000万美元,投资利润率221%,投资回收期45年。招商引资建设条件:廊坊广阳经济开发区位于廊坊市区东南隅,北接廊坊开发区,南至富士康工业园,西起廊坊市区,东临天津界,京沪高铁廊坊货运场。形成了依托中心城市和空港、海港发展经济的独特区位优势。投资环境:廊坊广阳经济开发区位于廊坊是主城区东南部,规划面积28平方公里,纳入本轮廊坊市城市总体规划和土地利用总体规划,是目前京津冀腹地仅留成片工业用地。开发区现有两纵五横七条主干道,总长15公里,具备“九通一平”的建设条件。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作、独资 招商引资联系人:王伟 项目招商机构:河北廊坊广阳经济开发区招商部 招商引资地址:廊坊市东大外环路中段 招商引资电话:0086-316-283*** 招商引资电话:0086-316-283*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-2833*** E-maillfgica**[ta]**com招商机构网址:www.lfgica.cn


Guangyang Modern Agricultural Tourism Industry Base

Project contentIt is located in Guangyang Economic Development Zone, Langfang, Hebei. The project covers an area of 4,000mu, with a total construction area of 24 million square meters. It is used mainly to build modernized agricultural planting (breeding) bases, recumbent agricultural life experiencing bases, green agricultural food production and processing workshops, modernized storage warehouses, office and service areas, monitoring and testing offices, and subsidiary facilities construction .Investment Estimation and Funding SourcesThe project is expected to have a total investment of 290 million USD, among which the construction fund is 200 million USD and the circulating fund is 06 million USD .Market AnalysisThe construction of the project is based on agriculture, vigorously developing the agriculture industrialization. The way of characteristic agriculture is taken with the focus on rural flavor. The functions of effective ecological agriculture such as equipment cultivation, ecological breeding, three-dimensional cultivation and breeding as well as cultivation and breeding integration can be developed to meet the consumer psychology of variation, difference, freshness, peculiarity and beauty.

Economic Effectiveness AnalysisAfter the project goes into operation, normally sales revenue of1 billion yuan and a sales profit of 420 million yuan can be realized annually with the profit ratio of investment being 221% and the investment payback period being 45 years .Construction ConditionGuangyang Economic Development Zone of Langfang lies in the southeast corner of Langfang. It is bounded on the north by Langfang Economic Development Zone, on the south by Foxconn Industrial Park, on the west by the downtown area of Langfang and on the east by the boundary of Tianjin and the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Rail Freight Yard of Langfang. A unique location advantage depending on the central city, airports and seaports to develop the economy is formed .Investment EnvironmentThe Guangyang Economic Development Zone of Langfang lies in the southeast of Langfang's main urban area with the planning area being 28 square kilometers. It is included in the present round of overall urban planning and overall planning for land utilization in Langfang, and this area is the only remaining piece of industrial land in the back-land of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region currently. The development zone has seven main roads at present, five of which are latitudinal and the other two are longitudinal. The roads have a total length of ilometers which meets the construction conditions of "nine connections and one leveling" .Cooperative FormsJoint capital, collaboration and sole proprietorship ContactPersonsWang Wei Company NameInvestment Promotion Department of Guangyang Economic Development Zone, Langfang, Hebei Contact AddressMidpiece, East Ring Road, Langfang ContactNumber0086-316-2833888, 283*** Fax0086-316-283*** E-maillfgica**[ta]**com Websitewww.**gica.cn


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