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招商项目编号:18 一、招商项目简介: 1招商项目类型、招商项目地址、名称:现代商贸 瓯江口产业集聚区 瓯江口奥特莱斯商业广场 2招商项目概况:选址瓯江口核心区半岛起步区C-02地块,位于市域铁路S1线瓯江口半岛一站出口处。规划建设集奥特莱斯(国际名品折扣中心)、特色餐饮、风情美食街、3D-MAX国际影院、儿童娱乐教育城、大型生活综合超市为一体的奥特莱斯商业广场。3招商项目规模、建设条件与招商引资优势:规划用地120亩。建设包括奥特莱斯广场、综合办公楼、特色街区等。4投资项目概算:总投资10亿元。5投资项目合作方式:独资、合资、合作。6、需外方投资构成:25%以上。7投资项目效益分析:预计投资回报率20%,投资回收期5年。二、投资机构联系方式: 项目招商机构:温州瓯江口产业集聚区招商局 招商引资联系人:金燕、戈剑峰 招商引资电话:0577-5587*** 招商引资传真:0577-5587*** 招商引资邮箱:ojkzsj**[ta]**.com 招商引资地址:温州瓯江口产业集聚区便民服务中心4423室。


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameModern Business, Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster, Outlets Commercial Plaza at Oujiang Estuary 2. Project AbstractThe C-02 parcel in Peninsula Starting Area, Oujiang Estuary shall be selected, which is located at the exit of Oujiang Estuary Peninsula Station on S1 rail transit line. As planned, the Outlets Commercial Plaza integrating Outlets (international brands outlet), specialty catering, flavor gourmet street, 3D-MAX international cinema, children recreation education city and large-scale living supermarket shall be constructed. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe planning land is 120 mu, including Outlets Commercial Plaza, comprehensive office buildings and characteristic urban blocks. 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 1 billion Yuan. 5. Ways of CooperationSole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least 7. Benefit AnalysisIt is expected that the ROI shall be 20% with ROI period as 5 years. . Project Contact Contact DepartmentWenzhou Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster ContactsJin Yan, Ge Jianfeng Telephone0577-5587*** Fax0577-5587*** E-mailojkzsj**[ta]**.com AddressRoom 423, Floor 4, Convenient Service Center, Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster, Wenzhou


招商项目编号:19 一、招商项目简介: 1招商项目类型、招商项目地址、名称:现代商贸 瓯江口产业集聚区 瓯江口科技创新园 2招商项目概况:选址瓯江口围垦区一期F-01-04F-01-02地块。瓯江口区位优势明显、交通便利,沈海高速复线、77省道、城市快速路、城市轻轨S1线和S2线贯穿其中,正在打造的立体交通网络建成后瓯江口距离鹿城、乐清、洞头等城区都在半小时车程区间内。3招商项目规模、建设条件与招商引资优势:总规划面积391亩,设计容积率2.13,总建筑面积56万平方米。项目是瓯江口区域重点布局的中、小、微企业科技创新、创业的载体平台,以智能制造产业为重点发展领域,计划重点引进企业研发中心、重点科研院所和研发机构、先进科技成果转化和高端服务机构,大力发展电子信息、高端装备制造、新能源、环保、物联网、云计算等产业,打造“政、产、学、研、资”一体,孵化、生产、研发、检测、商务、服务等全要素支撑的中小微企业创新、创业示范园区。4投资项目总额:15亿元。5投资项目合作方式:独资、合资、合作。6、需外方投资构成:25%以上。7投资项目效益分析:预计投资回报率15%,投资回收期6年。二、投资机构联系方式: 项目招商机构:温州瓯江口产业集聚区招商局 招商引资联系人:金燕、戈剑峰 招商引资电话:0577-55875*** 招商引资传真:0577-5587*** 招商引资邮箱:ojkzsj**[ta]**.com 招商引资地址:温州瓯江口产业集聚区便民服务中心4423室。


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameModern Business, Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster, Science and Technology Innovation Park at Oujiang Estuary 2. Project AbstractThe F-01-04 and F-01-02 parcels in Phase I Reclamation Area, Oujiang Estuary were selected. Oujiang Estuary is equipped with obvious regional advantages and convenient transportation, where complex line of Shenyang-Haikou Expressway, 77 provincial road, city expressway, S1 line and S2 line of urban light rail run. Upon the completion of the three-dimensional traffic network under construction, it takes only 30-minutes to drive to Lucheng, Yueqing, Dongtou and other urban areas from Oujiang Estuary. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe total planning area is 391 mu with designed plot ratio as 2.13 and total covered area as 560,000 square meters. As a significant carrier platform for middle, small-sized and micro enterprises to realize scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship at Oujiang Estuary, this project gives priority to the development of intelligent manufacturing industry, plans to introduce R&D centers, key scientific research institutions, R&D institutions, institutions for transformation of advanced science and technology achievements and top-end services, endeavors to develop those industries as electronic information, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, environmental protection, Internet of Things and cloud computing, and creates the demonstration garden for middle, small-sized and micro enterprises to realize innovation and entrepreneurship which integrates “politics, industry, learning, research and capital” into one supported by incubation, production, research and development, detection, commerce, service and other elemen*** 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 1.5 billion Yuan approximate*** 5. Ways of CooperationSole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least 7. Benefit AnalysisIt is expected that the ROI shall be 15% with ROI period as 6 years. . Project Contact Contact DepartmentWenzhou Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster ContactsJin Yan, Ge Jianfeng Telephone0577-5587*** Fax0577-5587*** E-mailojkzsj**[ta]**.com AddressRoom 423, Floor 4, Convenient Service Center, Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster, Wenzhou


招商项目编号:20 一、招商项目简介: 1招商项目类型、招商项目地址、名称:现代商贸 瓯江口产业集聚区 瓯江口总部经济园 2招商项目概况:选址瓯江口半岛起步区B-09fB-09H地块。瓯江口产业集聚区的功能定位为高品位、生态型、智慧型、宜居型现代新城。拟在南部中心区建成集低密度办公、居住、SOHO和配套商业等多功能的总部经济园,主要吸引大企业大集团总部、在外温州人企业总部、跨国公司和国内大企业区域性总部或功能性业务中心等进驻。3招商项目规模、建设条件与招商引资优势:总用地200亩,土地指标已落实,目前已完成“三通一平”基础设施建设。4投资项目总额:20亿元。5投资项目合作方式:独资、合资、合作。6、需外方投资构成:25%以上。7投资项目效益分析:预计投资回报率25%,投资回收期7年。二、投资机构联系方式: 项目招商机构:温州瓯江口产业集聚区招商局 招商引资联系人:金燕、戈剑峰 招商引资电话:0577-55875*** 招商引资传真:0577-5587*** 招商引资邮箱:ojkzsj**[ta]**.com 招商引资地址:温州瓯江口产业集聚区便民服务中心4423室。


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameModern Business, Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster, Headquarter Economy Park at Oujiang Estuary 2. Project AbstractThe B-09f and B-09H parcels in Peninsula Starting Area, Oujiang Estuary shall be selected. The functional orientation of Oujiang Estuary Industrial Agglomeration District is a modern new city characterized by high grade, ecotype, smart and livable. A headquarter economic garden integrating low-density office buildings, residence, SOHO, supporting commerce and other functions shall be constructed in the southern centre as planned, where the headquarters of large groups, headquarters of enterprises established by Wenzhou people in other cities, regional headquarters or functional business centers of transnational enterprises and domestic companies are welcome. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe total land is 200 mu. At present, the land index has been implemented, and the construction of three supplies and one leveling infrastructure has been fundamentally completed. 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 2 billion Yuan approximate*** 5. Ways of CooperationSole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least 7. Benefit AnalysisIt is expected that the ROI shall be 25% with ROI period as 7 years. . Project Contact Contact DepartmentWenzhou Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster ContactsJin Yan, Ge Jianfeng Telephone0577-5587*** Fax0577-5587*** E-mailojkzsj**[ta]**.com AddressRoom 423, Floor 4, Convenient Service Center, Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster, Wenzhou


招商项目编号:21 一、招商项目简介: 1招商项目类型、招商项目地址、名称:现代商贸 平阳县 滨海新区新兴产业园物流仓储园 2招商项目概况:选址平阳县滨海新区新兴产业园。园区入口设有沈海高速和温州绕城高速互通,交通、区位条件优越。控规已编制,市政主干道已开工建设,现地块已达到“三通一平”,并具备开发条件。3、建设规模、条件及优势:规划面积146.2亩,开发建设19万平方米。物流仓储园项目属于通用仓储类,每亩固定资产投资应不低于95万元。对项目入驻提供全程代办服务,享受园区优惠政策。所在的新兴产业园发展较成熟,浙江省规模最大、游乐设备最先进的温州海豚湾水上乐园已建成开放,省内规模最大的小微园--万洋国际工业城已完成部分地块主体工程结顶。4投资项目概算:项目计划引资1.5亿元。5投资项目合作方式:独资或合资。6、需外方投资构成:25%以上。7投资项目效益分析:项目有助于完善滨海新区的产业配套服务,提高企业物流效率。预计投产后销售收入达1.5亿元,预期利润3000万元,税收1500万元,投资回收期5年。二、投资机构联系方式: 项目招商机构:平阳县滨海新区建设管理委员会 招商引资联系人:包小雷 招商引资电话:13600681*** 招商引资传真:0577-6373*** 招商引资邮箱:475988968**[ta]**com 招商引资地址:平阳县滨海新区新阳路66


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameModern Business, Pingyang County, Logistics & Warehousing Garden of Burgeoning Industrial Park in Binhai New Area 2. Project AbstractThe burgeoning industrial park in Binhai New Area, Pingyang County was selected. At the entrance, there are Shenyang-Haikou expressway and Wenzhou ring expressway, for which the transportation and location conditions are excellent. The regulatory plan has been prepared; the construction of municipal arterial traffic has been initiated; the current parcel has satisfied the “three supplies and one leveling”, and been equipped with the development conditions. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe planning area is 146.2 mu, among which 190,000 square meters shall be developed and constructed. The project of logistics & warehousing garden belongs to category of universal storage with fixed asset investment per mu no less than 950,000 Yuan. The entering of this project shall encounter full-course concierge services and enjoy the preferential policies of the park. The burgeoning industrial park where this project is located is equipped with relatively mature development. It is in the burgeoning industrial park that Wenzhou Dolphin Bay Water Park with the largest scale and the most advanced amusement equipment in Zhejiang Province has been constructed and opened to the public, and Wanyang International Industrial City, the largest micro-garden in Zhejing has had the main work on some parcels sealed. 4. Budgetary EstimateIt is expected that the pull investment of this project shall be 150 million Yuan. 5. Ways of CooperationSole proprietorship or joint venture 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least 7. Benefit AnalysisThis project is beneficial for the perfection of industry corollary services in Binhai New Area and improvement of logistics efficiency of enterprises. It is expected that the sales revenue shall reach 150 million Yuan after this project goes into operation with expected profits as 30 million Yuan, taxes as 15 million Yuan and investment recovery period as 5 years. . Project Contact Contact DepartmentConstruction Committee in Binhai New Area, Pingyang County ContactsBao Xiaolei Telephone1360068*** Fax0577-6373*** E-mail475988968**[ta]**com AddressNo. 66 Xinyang Road, Binhai New Area, Pingyang County


招商项目编号:22 一、招商项目简介: 1招商项目类型、招商项目地址、名称:现代商贸 乐清市 柳白新城现代交通运输物流园 2招商项目概况:选址乐清柳白新城规划区域内,北白象镇前黄、西刘宅、楼桥村。项目所在的柳白片区拥有全省排名靠前的千亿级产业集群优势;交通区位条件优越,靠近甬台温高速及其复线,北依甬台温铁路乐清站,南有七里港码头,在建的温州绕城北线高速公路和温州轻轨相邻。3招商项目规模、建设条件与招商引资优势:占地面积275.5亩,总建筑面积213670万平方米。柳白新城控制性详细规划已做,项目建设书已经编制,大部分土地已经为建设用地,其余小部分拟在本次土地利用总体规划修编中落实。4投资项目概算:总投资10亿元。5投资项目合作方式:独资。6、需外方投资构成:100%。二、投资机构联系方式: 项目招商机构:乐清柳白新城区开发建设管理委员会 招商引资联系人:薛阿昆、李建瓯 招商引资电话:0577-2777*** 招商引资电话:1396871*** 招商引资传真:0577-2777*** 招商引资邮箱:305899286**[ta]**com 招商引资地址:乐清市柳市镇沿江大道500


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameModern Business, Yueqing City, Modern Communication and Transportation Logistics Park at Liubai New Town 2. Project AbstractThe site selection fell within the planned area of Liubai New Town, Yueqing, which borders with Qianhuang Village, Baixiang Town to the north and Louqiao Village, Liuzhai Town to the west. The Liubai district where this project is located possesses the 100-billion industry assemblage superiority whose ranking is in the top; the traffic regional conditions are excellent as it is adjacent to Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou highway and its complex line, located in north to the Yueqing station on Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou highway and south to the dock of Qili harbor. In addition, the Wenzhou ring expressway north section under construction is close to the light rail in Wenzhou. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe floor space is 275.5 mu with total covered area as 2,136,700,000 square meters. Liubai New City has performed the regulatory detailed planning and prepared the book for project construction, where much of the land has turned into construction land and the remaining part is planned to be ensured as revising the comprehensive planning of land utilization this time. 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 1 billion Yuan. 5. Ways of CooperationSole proprietorship 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment100% . Project Contact Contact DepartmentDevelopment Administration in Liubai New Town, Yueqing ContactsXue Akun, Li Jianou Telephone0577-2777*** Telephone1396871*** Fax0577-2777*** E-mail305899286**[ta]**com AddressNo. 500 Yanjiang Road, Liushi Town, Yueqing City


招商项目编号:23 一、招商项目简介: 1招商项目类型、招商项目地址、名称:现代商贸 乐清市 乐清湾港区物流园 2招商项目概况:选址乐清湾港区南区。乐清湾港区一期规划区域60.8平方公里,岸线北起黄家里,南至西干河,全长16.6公里,布置码头43个,其中5万吨级以上泊位18个,25万吨级兼靠10万吨码头已开港运营。3招商项目规模、建设条件与招商引资优势:用地面积约260亩。用地功能规划已完成,现进入项目前期论证。港区管委会负责征地政策处理工作,可提供规划设计条件,规划红线及相关资料。4投资项目总额:40亿元。5投资项目合作方式:独资或合作。6、需外方投资构成:25%以上。二、投资机构联系方式: 项目招商机构:乐清湾港区开发建设管理委员会 招商引资联系人:陈兵海、杨成磊 招商引资电话:0577-6122*** 招商引资电话:0571-6122*** 招商引资传真:0577-6122*** 招商引资邮箱:478102226**[ta]**com 招商引资地址:乐清市虹桥南岳浙能电厂2号门南侧


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameModern Business, Yueqing City, Port Logistics Park at Yueqing Bay 2. Project AbstractThe site selection fell in the southern harbor district of Yueqing Bay. The planned area of Phase-I Yueqing Bay is 60.8 square kilometers. The shoreline, having its overall length as 16.6 kilometers, commences from Huangjiali in the north and ends with Xigan River in the south, on which 43 docks shall be arranged. Therein18 docks with berth over 50,000 tons and two docks with berth between 50,000 and 100,000 tons have opened harbor for operation. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe site area is 260 mu approximately. The planning of land use function has been completed and the feasibility demonstration of this project is in process. The management committee of Yueqing Bay shall be responsible for the settlement of land policy, and is available to provide the planning and design conditions as well as planning red line and relevant materia*** 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 4 billion Yuan approximate*** 5. Ways of CooperationSole proprietorship or cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least . Project Contact Contact DepartmentDevelopment Administration in Yueqing Bay ContactsChen Binhai, Yang Chenglei Telephone0577-6122*** Telephone0577-6122*** Fax0577-6122*** E-mail478102226**[ta]**com AddressSouth Side of Door 2 of Hongqiao Nanyue Zheneng Power Plant, Yueqing


招商项目编号:24 一、招商项目简介: 1招商项目类型、招商项目地址、名称:现代商贸 苍南县 龙港城西物流中心 2招商项目概况:选址苍南县龙港镇城西工业园区旁。所在的龙港镇,经济发达,交通便捷,西接沈海高速,有城西工业园区、示范工业园区和大桥工业园区,区域优势明显。3招商项目规模、建设条件与招商引资优势:占地300亩。目前龙港物流基本为单线托运这一初级运行模式,且没有固定物流仓储及配套设施和物流信息服务平台,急需拥有一个与之配套的大型现代物流中心项目。该项目面向全国各地提供仓储、装卸、配送、包装等服务,发展前景广阔,投资回报丰富。4投资项目概算:总投资9亿元。5投资项目合作方式:独资、合资、合作。6、需外方投资构成:25%以上。二、投资机构联系方式: 项目招商机构:龙港镇人民政府 招商引资联系人:吴家铿 招商引资电话:1381579*** 招商引资传真:0577-6858*** 招商引资地址:苍南县龙港镇镇前路195


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameModern Business, Cangnan County, Logistics Center at Western Longgang Town 2. Project AbstractThe site selection fell in the place around Chengxi Industrial Park, Longgang Town, Cangnan County. Longgang town where this project is located is characterized by developed economy, convenient transportation, vicinity of Shenyang-Haikou expressway to the west, support of Chengxi Industrial Park, Industrial Demonstration Park and Daqiao Industrial Park, and bears obvious regional advantages. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe floor space is 300 mu. At present, the logistics in Longgang is oriented at the unifilar consignment, a primary operational mode, and lacks in the fixed logistics storage, supporting facilities and logistics information service platform. Therefore, a matched and large-scale modern logistics center is required. This project can provide storage, loading and unloading, distribution, packaging and other services all over the country, whose development prospect is broad and investment return is abundant. 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 900 million. 5. Ways of CooperationSole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least . Project Contact Contact DepartmentPeoples Government at Longgang Town ContactsWu Jiakeng Telephone1381579*** Fax0577-6858*** AddressNo. 195 Zhenqian Road, Longgang Town, Cangnan County


招商项目编号:25 一、招商项目简介: 1招商项目类型、招商项目地址、名称:健康养老 鹿城区 鹿城轻工产业园医院 2招商项目概况:选址鹿城轻工产业园区。园区一期医院承担着鹿城西片医疗卫生服务职能,能为园区企业员工及周边广大群众提供基本“六位一体”的医疗卫生服务,有效地解决辖区群众看病难问题。3招商项目规模、建设条件与招商引资优势:用地面积2.14万平方米(约32亩),建筑密度40%,容积率1.8,绿地率35%,建筑限高40。地块开发有关数据、指标、功能、前置条件以公开出让时正式文件为准。可建地上建筑面积约3.85万平方米,设计床位200张及以上,具有专科特色的二级乙等综合性医院。4投资项目合作方式:土公开出让或划拨。5、需外方投资构成:25%以上。6投资项目效益分析:以轻工产业园区大量企业员工为主,辐射整个鹿城西片及永嘉南片部分地区,基本医疗、工伤事故需求量大,受惠群众将达数十万。二、投资机构联系方式: 项目招商机构:鹿城区商务局 招商引资联系人:章李津、高波 招商引资电话:0577-5588*** 招商引资传真:0577-8803*** 招商引资地址:温州市鹿城区广场路188号鹿城行政中心7号楼115


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameHealthcare and Endowment, Lucheng District, Hospital of Lucheng Light Industry Park 2. Project AbstractThe site selection fell in the Lucheng Light Industry Park. The Phase-I hospital of this Park, dedicated to providing medical and health services for the western Lucheng, is available to deliver the fundamental six-in-one medical and health services to employees in this Park and broad masses in surrounding areas, and can effectively settle the difficulty of getting medical service suffered by the population within jurisdiction. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe site area is 21,400 square meters (about 32 mu) with building density as 40%, plot ratio as 1.8, greening rate as 35% and building height restriction as 40m. The data, indexes, function and preconditions concerning land development shall be subject to the official documents on public transfer. The available ground floor area is about 38,500 square meters with over 200 beds. A second-level class B comprehensive hospital equipped with specialty shall be constructed. 4. Ways of CooperationPublic transfer or selling of land 5. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least 6. Benefit AnalysisThis project focuses on many employees in Lucheng Light Industry Park. Taking the western district of Lucheng and the southern part of Yongjia as background, the quantity of basic medical care required by industrial accidents is large, and the number of beneficiary population will exceed hundreds of thousands. . Project Contact Contact DepartmentLucheng Bureau of Commerce ContactsZhang Lijin, Gao Bo Telephone0577-5588*** Fax0577-8803*** AddressRoom 115, Building 7, Lucheng Administration Center, No. 188, Guangchang Road, Lucheng District, Wenzhou City


招商项目编号:26 一、招商项目简介: 1招商项目类型、招商项目地址、名称:健康养老 龙湾区 龙湾中心区社会福利中心 2招商项目概况:选址瑶溪南片居住区I-06b地块。拟引入集医疗体检、保健理疗、休闲和养老为一体的多功能养生养老服务中心,满足老年人多样化的服务需求。控规调整中,地块已报征,并启动相关前期。3招商项目规模、建设条件与招商引资优势:规划用地面积66亩,总建筑面积43992平方米,容积率1.4,建筑密度30%,绿地率35%,限高22米。4投资项目总额:2亿元。5投资项目合作方式:可采取BOTBT形式。6、需外方投资构成:25%以上。二、投资机构联系方式: 项目招商机构:龙湾城市中心区管委会 招商引资联系人:郑菲 叶丽丽 招商引资电话:0577-8696*** 招商引资电话:0577-8696*** 招商引资传真:0577-8696*** 招商引资邮箱:284825529**[ta]**com 招商引资地址:温州市龙湾区行政管理中心大楼西裙2


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameHealthcare and Endowment, Longwan District, Social Welfare Center at the Centre of Longwan 2. Project AbstractThe I-06b parcel in the southern residence zone of Yaoxi was selected. As planned, a multifunctional wellness and endowment service center integrating medical examination, health care, physical therapy, leisure and endowment shall be introduced to satisfy the diversified service needs of the aged. The regulatory plan is under adjustment, the parcel already submitted and relevant preliminary work initiated. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe area of planning is 66 mu with total covered area as 43,992 square meters, plot ratio as 1.4, building density as 30%, greening rate as 35% and height permitted as 22m. 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 300 million Yuan approximate*** 5. Ways of CooperationBOT or BT 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least . Project Contact Contact DepartmentManagement Committee of Longwan Urban Center ContactsZheng Fei, Ye Lili Telephone0577-8696*** Telephone0577-8696*** Fax0577-8696*** E-mail284825529**[ta]**com AddressFloor 2, West Podium of Administrative Center, Longwan District, Wenzhou City


招商项目编号:27 一、招商项目简介: 1招商项目类型、招商项目地址、名称:健康养老 瓯江口产业集聚区 瓯江口高端养老一体化项目 2招商项目概况:选址瓯江口起步区c-11地块,紧邻瓯江口国际医疗中心(“三甲”医院)、外国语学校和南环堤景观带,环境优美,生活便利。拟打造成以养生养老功能为主导,以生态休闲功能为特色,集养老养生、医疗保健、娱乐休闲、生活购物等多功能于一体的中高端生态养生养老健康城。3招商项目规模、建设条件与招商引资优势:总用地面积约400亩。建设包括老年公寓、老年护理中心、医疗康复中心区、老年用品街、居住配套区等。4投资项目概算:投资规模约10-15亿元。5投资项目合作方式:独资、合资、合作。6、需外方投资构成:25%以上。7投资项目效益分析:预计投资回报率20%,投资回收期5年。二、投资机构联系方式: 项目招商机构:温州瓯江口产业集聚区招商局 招商引资联系人:金燕、戈剑峰 招商引资电话:0577-55875*** 招商引资传真:0577-5587*** 招商引资邮箱:ojkzsj**[ta]**.com 招商引资地址:温州瓯江口产业集聚区便民服务中心4423室。


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameHealthcare and Endowment, Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster, High-end Integrated Pension Project at Oujiang Estuary 2. Project AbstractThe C-11 parcel in Oujiang Estuary Starting Area shall be selected, which is adjacent to Oujiang Estuary International Medical Center (a top three hospital), Foreign Language School and southern landscape surrounding dam, and characterized by beautiful environment and convenient life. As planned, a mid-to-high-end ecological wellness and endowment city oriented at wellness and endowment, featured by ecofallow and integrating wellness, endowment, health care, leisure and entertainment, life shopping and other functions shall be created. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe total site area is about 400 mu with apartment for the aged, aged care center, medical rehabilitation centre, street of commendations for elders and supporting dwelling district inclusive. 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 1-1.5 billion Yuan approximate*** 5. Ways of CooperationSole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least 7. Benefit AnalysisIt is expected that the ROI shall be 20% with ROI period as 5 years. . Project Contact Contact DepartmentWenzhou Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster ContactsJin Yan, Ge Jianfeng Telephone0577-5587*** Fax0577-5587*** E-mailojkzsj**[ta]**.com AddressRoom 423, Floor 4, Convenient Service Center, Wenzhou Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster, Wenzhou


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