Agro Production cooperati
来源:网群国际    浏览:
Agro Production cooperative
Goose breeding investment project

Contact information Type of company: Enterprise
Shahumyan square Field of activity: Production
1501 Sevan
Phone: +374-0261 -60986
E-mail: rafgabrielyan[ta]yahoo.zu
Sector of activity
Company profile
Production cooperative was founded in early 90-s and its main activity was production of
agricultural products.
Cooperation proposal
The main idea of this project has been emerged due to the favorable position of the natural area.
An artificial lake can be created with the surface of 2.0ha area in this geographical area without
any trouble which will enable the development of such sectors as fishing and goose breeding.
The main focus of the project is on the creation relevant conditions for the development of the
mentioned fields. Building the artificial lake our goal is to establish a farm of gooses having 10
thousand sleeves, as well as get 5-10 tons fish annually out of that. The advance studies have
shown that this location ensures the conditions for breeding gooses, feed and care (mostly clean
water, clean air rich with oxygen and grass-rich lowland. If we take into account the fact that the
fish will be grown in the cold spring water from the mountains here and in perfect weather
conditions, thus it can be said with confidence that it will exceed with its qualitative indices of all
the artificial lakes producing fish. The lake water is fresh. The calculations have shown that the
water lost from the lake can be used for operating 15-20kV mini hydro power which will fully
ensure the necessary electricity to be used for the economy. It can be noted that the project
implementation will strengthen the capacity of communities participating in the project, will
enable to create jobs and more importantly will create a sustainable food source and supplement
the lack of food of the local population. A clear action plan is filed for the implementation of the
project with definite measures through which the operations should be performed. The first is to
plan a road, the river bed correction and the acquisition of the required materials, equipments
and constructions. The overall cost of the project - 48.000 USD.
Innovative aspects and/or main advantages of the proposal
This location ensures the conditions for breeding gooses, feed and care (mostly clean water,
clean air rich with oxygen and grass-rich lowland. If we take into account the fact that the fish will
be grown in the cold spring water from the mountains here and in perfect weather conditions,
thus it can be said with confidence that it will exceed with its qualitative indices of all the artificial
lakes producing fish.

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