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第一条 法令依据

  (一) 1992年7月26日内阁第31/92次会议颁布的第694/1992号决议,该会首创补偿计划(简称补偿法,下同),确认1992年5月10日内阁第18/92次会议上颁布的决议,并授权财政大臣采取必要措施贯彻执行补偿法。

  (二) 2004年8月22日内阁颁布的第911号决议,决议中止履行适用于民用及军用部门的补偿法,要求财政部进行综合研究并审查没有执行补偿法之原因。

  (三) 关于补偿法的管理机构及其职责权限的第116/1992号法律。

  (四) 2005年8月7日内阁颁布的第863号决议,决议拟激活(再次要求执行)补偿法。

  (五) 其他有关工作法律条文。

第二条 法令内容

  (一) 激活补偿法并要求民用及军用合同须适用该法。




  (二) 补偿义务名义金额和实际投资金额之规定



  (三) 允许通过对销贸易以支持国货的方式履行补偿义务


  (四) 银行保函


  (五) 适用时效


  第三条 此法令未尽事宜参照先前制定的有关补偿法条款。

  第四条 此法令由财政部大臣Bader Mishry Al Humandhi于2005年8月31日下令公布。

  第五条 此法令自颁布之日起正式生效,以官方公报形式出版发行,由主管当局贯彻执行。


State Of Kuwait

Ministry Of Finance

Office Of the Minister

Date: 31/8/2005

Ref: h/16/2/2/24672

Ministerial Order No. 13/2005

For the Reactivation of the Offset Program

The Minister of Finance,

? After reviewing the Council of Ministers' resolution no. 694/1992 issued at its session No, 31/92 dated 26th July 1992 regarding the creation of the Offset Program which confirmed the Council of Ministers' resolution issued at its meeting no. 18/92 held on the 10th of May 1992, to authorize the Minister of Finance to take necessary measures to execute this Program.

? After reviewing the Council of Ministers' resolution no, 911/first dated 22nd of August 2004, suspending the implementation of the Offset Program in the civil as well as military sectors and commissioning the Ministry of Finance to conduct a comprehensive study and review of the causes of non-fulfillment of the program's objectives.

? Having reviewed Decree by Law No. 116/1992 regarding Administrative Organization and Determination of job Jurisdictions and Authorizations.

? And Pursuant to the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 863 dated 7th of August regarding the reactivation the Offset Program in accordance with the rules specified in the resolution.

? Pursuant to dictates of work.

Hereby orders

Article One: Reactivation of Offset Program and enforcement of its regulations on Civil and Military Contracts, as follows:

1. Value of contracts subject to the Offset Program:

Military contracts of a value equal to or above 3 million Kuwaiti Dinars shall be subject to the Offset Program. Civil contracts of a value equal to or above 10 million Kuwaiti Dinars shall continue to be subject to offset program with the exception of oil and gas exploration and production contracts. The Program shall be enforced on all downstream oil and gas contracts.

2. Percentage of Offset Obligation and Value of Offset Investment:

The nominal value of Offset Obligation is fixed at a percentage rate of 35% of the contract cash value. The Offset investment value is fixed at an amount equivalent to the Offset Obligation divided by the valid multiplier factor applicable to the economic activity under which the executed offset project is categorized.

3. Permission to fulfill offset Obligation through Counter-trade Operations, to support Local Products:

The foreign companies subject to the Program may fulfill their offset obligations through purchasing commodities/services of Kuwaiti national origin, in accordance with the Offset program conditions and subject to its approval. In such a case, the value of foreign companies offset obligations shall be reduced by the same value of such purchases.

4. Financial Guarantee:

The foreign contractor shall be subject to an unconditional financial guarantee, whose value is equivalent to 6% of the supply contract value, and the value of this guarantee shall be reduced gradually in line with the actual implementation of the obligation by the foreign company.

5. Application of resolution:

This resolution shall come into effect on its date of issue and shall be imposed on all contracts that are announced for tendering/bidding or those signed through direct negotiations. Regarding contracts that have been announced for tenders/bids before the date of issue of this Order, such contracts will be subject to the Offset Program if their tender/bid documents included a clause specifying that they are subject to Offset.

Article Two: All matters not specified herein shall be subject to all the provisions of previous resolutions related to the Offset Program.

Article Three: The Competent Authorities shall enforce this Order which shall be effective as of the date of its issue and shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Bader Mishary Al Humaidhi

Minister of Finance

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