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按照构建川西北生态经济示范区发展目标,结合阿坝州资源和产业实际,项目筛选重点突出绿色循环导向、生态资源优势、旅游支柱地位、新能源取向、阿坝地域特色。本项目集共推出重点合作项目38个、投资总额达301.46亿元。其中,文化旅游项目12个,金额达103.22亿元;现代服务项目13个,金额达41.43亿元;现代 农业项目4个,金额达3.34亿元;工业项目6个,金额达6.47亿元;新能源开发项目3个,金额达147亿元。项目涵盖13县和园区。

According to the development goal for constructing an eco-economical demonstration area in Northwestern Sichuan and the actual conditions of resources and industry in Aba Prefecture, the project screening highlights green circulating orientation, ecological resource advantages, tourism pillar position, new energy orientation and Aba regional characteristics. The overall programs have totally launched 38 key cooperative projects with total investment of up to RMB 30.146 billion, including 12 cultural tourist projects, amounting to RMB 10.322 billion; 13 modern service projects, accounting to RMB 4.143 billion; 4 modern agricultural projects, amounting to RMB 334 million; 6 industrial projects, amounting to RMB 647 million; and 3 new energy development projects, amounting to RMB 14.7 billion. The project covers 13 counties and parks. Contact.com

merce Bureau of Aba Prefecture

Tel. 0837-282***



E-mail. abfdi**[ta]**.com



Investment Attraction Projects of Aba Prefecture Contents 工业招商项目

Investment Promotion Project of Industry 文化旅游招商项目

Investment Promotion Project of Cultural tourism 现代农业招商项目

Investment Promotion Project of Modern agriculture 新能源招商项目

Investment Promotion Project of New energy 现代服务业招商项目

Investment Promotion Project of Modern Service Industry Gada Mountain Tourism Development Project Development and Construction Project of Jiesi Glacier Scenic Spot Development Project of Lianbaoyeze Scenic Spot Development Project of Namoshenju Gorge Development and Construction Project of Rural Tourism Comprehensive Development Project of Cultural Tourism Investment and Development Project of Xigou Scenic Spot Whole Development Project of Fairy Pool Scenic Spot Construction Project of SeerguTibetan Water Village Construction Project of Wenchuan National Level Tourist Resort Ecological Leisure Sightseeing Tourist Area of Sanjiang Western River, Wenchuan County Ecological Leisure Sightseeing Tourist Area of Sanjiang Western River, Wenchuan County Investment Project of Qiang Cultural Industry Park New Energy Development Project 10mwp Grid Connection Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation Project Construction project of solar thermal power generation demonstration base Planting (Breeding) Project in Forest Scientific and Technological Demonstration Park Project of Modern Yak Industry Vegetables Planting and Refining Processing Project Ten Thousand mu of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Materials Processing Project in Bangao Mountain, Heishui County Zhuokeji “Chen’ai Luoding” Resort Project Agricultural, Livestock and Forest Native Products Exhibition and Selling Center Project Commercial Logistics Center Project Hongxing Heta Hot Spring Development Project LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) Utilization Project Comprehensive Service Facilities Development Construction Project of Anqu Air Harbor of Hongyuan Airport Prairie Aerial Sightseeing Tourism Development and Construction Project Grassland Tourism Automobile Leasing Development and Construction Project of Hongyuan Airport Air Harbor Industry Incubation Center Project of Songpan, Zhongying General Aviation Tour and Sightseeing Project Health Maintenance, Leisure and Vacationing Base Investment Promotion Project of Li County Comprehensive Logistics Distribution Center of Mao County Tourist Souvenir Processing Project Biological Pharmacy Construction Project Mineral Water Improvement Project 10000 Tons Per Year Fine Aluminum Powder of Wenchuan County 50000 Tons per Year Sodium Formate Project High-performance Lithium Ion Battery Production, Investment and Construction Project

嘎达山旅游开发项目 结斯冰川景区开发项目 莲宝叶则景区开发项目纳摩神居峡旅游景区开发项目乡村旅游开发项目文化旅游综合开发项目汶川国家级旅游度假区建设项目汶川三江西河生态休闲观光旅游区建设项目米亚罗红叶风情和藏族文化体验区项目西沟景区投资开发项目神仙池风景区整体开发项目色尔古藏家水寨建设项目新能源开发项目10mwp并网太阳能光伏发电项目太阳能光热发电示范基地建设项目林下种(养)殖项目现代牦牛产业科技示范园项目蔬菜种植及提炼加工项目黑水高半山万亩道地中药材种植加工项目卓克基《尘埃落定》度假村项目农畜林土特产品展销中心项目商贸物流中心项目红星河它温泉开发项目LNG(液化天然气)利用项目红原机场安曲航空港综合服务设施开发项目空中观赏大草原旅游开发项目红原机场航空港草原旅游汽车租赁开发项目理县养生休闲度假基地项目茂县综合物流配送中心项目羌文化产业园投资项目中盈松潘产业孵化中心项目通用航空旅游观光项目年产10000吨微细铝粉项目年产5万吨甲酸钠项目旅游纪念品加工项目生物制药建设项目矿泉水提升项目高性能锂离子电池生产



Phone Number: 0837-252***

Contact:Tourism Bureau of Jinchuan County



01 综合开发嘎达山旅游景区。金川县 项目单位现状 公司名称 法定代表人 经济性质 职工人数 设立时间 总负债 产负债率 总资产 总投资 56000 引进资金 56000 企业自筹 经济效益 前期工作 已初步选址和规划 合作方式 独资、合资、合作 市场分析及预测 随着人民收入的增加和生活水平的提高,国内旅游、入境旅游正在蓬勃发展,势头喜人;目前,旅游消费群体正在不断扩大,构成了一个庞大的旅游需求和消费市场,项目市场前景可观。建设条件 嘎达山景区幅员面积100平方公里,主要由嘎达山原始森林、东女国王城遗址、世界最高自生东 巴石佛、琼布神山(大鹏山)、龙龟瀑布、悬空古庙、中国碉王、乾隆御碑、清四大皇庙-广法寺 等景点组成,是古东女国王城所在地,也是苯波教东方大道场。景区内民风淳朴,至今仍保留着 古东女国时期女权文化的遗风遗俗,是探秘、科考、度假旅游胜地。景区开发已完成可研,景区 通讯、交通等基础设施配置齐备。建设工期 5 建设性质 新建

01 S/N Industry Cultural Tourism 56000 Total Investment Planned capital attraction 56000 Project Contents Construction site Primitive tribe strike experience museum. Jinchuan County Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Along with the increase of people's incomes and the improvement of living standards, domestic tourism and inbound tourism are flourishing and have gratifying momentum; At present, the tourism consumer groups are continuously expanding and constitute a large travel demand and consumer market. The project has considerable market prospects. Building Conditions Gada Mountain scenic spot covers an area of 100 square kilometers, mainly consisting of Gada Mountain Old growth Forest, East Female Country King City Ruins, the world’s highest authigenic Dongba Stone Buddha, Qiongbu Gold Mountain (Dapeng Mountain), Dragon Turtle Waterfall, Dangling Ancient Temple, China's Tower King, Qianlong Royal Monument, Qingsi Great Emperor Temple, Guangfa Temple, etc. where ancient East Female Country imperial city is located, and also is the Bonpo’s east way-place. In the scenic spot, the people are simple and honest, so far traditional practices of feminism culture during the period of ancient East Female Country are still remained. It is an exploration, scientific investigation and holiday resort. Economic Benefits Pre-phase Work The preliminary site selection and planning has been completed. Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation Construction period Five years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***








Phone Number: 1899040***

Contact:Fan Dengfen



02 开发冰川、打造向花村别斯满民俗文化。主要内容为:新建景 区道路、栈道、门禁系统、游人服务中心、观景台、停车场、宾馆饭店、自驾游营地、生态厕所等。小金县结斯乡 项目单位现状 公司名称 法定代表人 经济性质 职工人数 设立时间 总负债 产负债率 总资产 总投资 50000 引进资金 50000 企业自筹 经济效益 按旅游旺季(5-10月)月均接待游客1万人次,旅游淡季(11-次年4月)月均接待游客0.5万人 次计算,预计可实现年收入5400万元。前期工作 该项目已列入2014-2025年《小金县旅游总体规划》、藏区项目、十二五规划项目;已完成项目建议书编制工作。合作方式 合资、独资 市场分析及预测 项目建设地有历史悠久的藏寨、独具特色的嘉绒服饰、古老彪悍的出征舞、“四土”老锅庄等,能 让人感受到嘉绒藏族民俗风情的每一处神奇。该景区主要以开发特种游(攀冰、探险)为主,同 时开发自驾游、乡村游。近几年,小金县旅游业快速发展,旅游接待量稳步增长,2013年接待 游客达65万人次,可为项目建设提供充足的客源,市场前景广阔。建设条件 项目建设地水、电、路、通讯等基础设施齐备;小金县旅游业的快速发展,可为项目建设提供了 充足的客源市场。建设工期 5 建设性质 新建

02 S/N Industry Cultural Tourism Project Contents Construction site Jiesi Village, Xiaojin County Develop glaciers and build biesiman folk culture in Xianghua village. Main contents include: new construction of roads, gallery roads, access control system, tourist service center, viewing deck, park, hotel and restaurant, self-driving camp, ecological toilet, etc. in the scenic spot. Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast The project construction site has Tibetan village with a long history, Jiarong costume with unique features, old and doughty pyrrhic, “ Situ” old Guozhuang, etc. which can make people feel various miracles of Jiarong Tibetan folk customs. The scenic spot is mainly to develop special tourisms (such as ice climbing and exploration) and simultaneously develop self-drive travel and country tour. In recent years, Xiaojin County’ tourism industry has grown rapidly and tourist accommodation has grown stably. In 2013, it received the tourists of 650000 person-times, which can provide enough customer sources for project construction, and it has broad market prospects. Building Conditions The project construction site has complete infrastructures such as water, electricity, road and communication; Xiaojin County’ s tourism industry grows rapidly, which can provide adequate tourism market for project construction. Total Investment Introduction of capital 50000 50000 Economic Benefits Monthly tourist reception capacity in peak tourist seasons (from May to October) is about 10000 person-times, monthly tourist reception capacity is up to 5000 person-times in tourist off-seasons (from November to April next year), it is predicted that annual income of RMB 54 million can be realized. Pre-phase Work The project has been listed in Overall Tour Plan of Xiaojin County from 2014- to 2025, Tibetan projects, the 12th five-year plan project; preparation of project proposal has been completed. Ways of Cooperation joint venture,sole proprietorship Construction period Five years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***



E-mail: 390481926**[ta]**com


Development and Construction Project of Jiesi Glacier Scenic Spot Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 03 S/N Industry Cultural Tourism 34000 Total Investment Planned capital attraction 34000 Project Contents Construction site Aba County Newly build one scenic spot gate and tourist service center, five half-way houses, one viewing deck, rebuild and update 13.5 km, newly construct two horse renting stations, one tent camp, 1.2 km wooden gallery road, two ecological parks, one solar power engineering, one GSM telephone network, guiding and signage system of scenic spot, several environmental protective facilities, Status Quo of Project Name of company Legal represen tati v e Unit Market Analysis and Aba Lianbaoyeze Scenic Spot has unique “Stone City” landscape, peculiar geological landform and rugged mountains and graceful water, which provide abundant natural resources for the development of the ecological tourist projects such as field climbing, exploration, investigation, skiing and sightseeing, and the project development will generate great attractions to international and domestic tourists. Building Conditions Baolianyeze scenic spot has the tourist resources with special style, very high taste and strong plasticity; The project is locate at the junction of Sichuan, Gansu and Qinghai and adjoins “Dajiuzhai”, thus it has obvious regional advantages and it has irreplaceability and relative high construction and development value in Aba prefecture’s existing scenic spots. Economic Benefits After the project is completed, it is predicted that annual profit of RMB 50 million and tax payment of more than RMB 1 million can be realized. Pre-phase Work The preliminary planning of project has been basically completed. Construction period Four years Type of Constructio n Newly Built restore one lake wetland and bu ild one human landscape. Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise its***

Phone Number: 0837-248***



03 新建景区大门暨游人服务中心1处,休息亭5处,观景台1 处,公路改造升级13.5公里,租马站2处,帐篷露营地1处,木质栈道1.2公里,生态停车场2处,太阳能供电工程1处,GSM电话网1处,景区导向标示系统,环保设施若干,湖泊 阿坝县 项目单位 公司名称 法定代表 经济性质 职工人数 设立时间 总负债 产负债率 总资产 总投资 34000 引进资金 34000 企业自筹 经济效益 项目建成后,预计可实现年利润5000万元。前期工作 项目前期规划基本完成 合作方式 独资、合资、合作 市场分析及 阿坝县莲宝叶则风景区独特的“石头城”景观,奇特的地质地貌和奇山秀水,为野外登山、探险、考察、滑雪、观光等生态旅游项目的开发提供了丰富的自然资源,项目的开发将对国际、国内游 客产生极大的吸引力。预测 建设条件 莲宝叶则风景区旅游资源风格独特、品位很高、可塑性强;地处川、甘、青三省结合部,紧靠 “大九寨”旅游环线,具有明显区位优势、不可替代性和较高的开发价值;水、电、路等基础设施 配置齐全。建设工期 4 建设性质 新建 湿地恢复1处,人文景观打 1处。现状 Unit: RMB 10***







E-mail: 1151956843**[ta]**com

Phone Number: 0837-229***

Contact:Mao Xiaodong



04 新建游人接待中心、帐篷接待点、游人栈道、观景亭、旅游服务站、旅游厕所、停车场等。若尔盖县红星乡 项目单位现状 公司名称 法定代表人 经济性质 职工人数 设立时间 总负债 产负债率 总资产 总投资 8700 引进资金 8700 企业自筹 经济效益 按年均接待游客40万人次,人均消费200元计算,预计年收入可达8000万元。前期工作 项目前期规划基本完成 合作方式 独资、合资、合作 市场分析及预测 纳摩寺地处川、甘、青三省交界之处,海拔3350。是开展自然景观、民俗文化、宗教文化观 光体验的理想之地。该项目的实施,将有力推动全县旅游业的发展,解决当前旅游人数倍增带来 的压力,经济效益突出。建设条件 进入景区道路便利、景区通讯畅通、110KV能保证景区用电;2013年接待游客132万人次,且旅 游人数在逐年增加,旅游市场前景乐观。建设工期 2 建设性质 新建

04 S/N Industry Cultural Tourism 8700 Total Investment Planned capital attraction 8700 Project Contents Construction site Hongxing Village, Ruoergai County Newly construct tourist reception center, tent reception point, tourist gallery road, viewing deck, tourist service station, tourist toilet, park, etc. Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Namo Temple is located at the juncture of Sichuan, Gansu and Qinghai, and 3350m above sea level, where is a ideal land for carrying out natural landscape, folk customs and culture, religious culture sightseeing and experience. Implementation of the project will vigorously drive the development of whole county tourism, solve the pressure brought by redouble of current number of tourists, and have prominent economic benefit. Building Conditions The access to the scenic spot is convenient, communication in the scenic spot is smooth and 110KV power supply can ensure the electricity utilization in the scenic spot. In 2013, the tourist reception capacity was 1.32 million person-times and the number of tourists will increases by years, thus the scenic spot has optimistic market prospects. Economic Benefits It is predicted that annual income can reach RMB 80 million through calculation according to annual average reception capacity of 0.4 million person-times and consumption per person of RMB 200. Pre-phase Work The preliminary planning of project has been basically completed. Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation Construction period Two years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***



联系电话:0837- 229***


E-mail: regxjjswj**[ta]**a.cn

Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship, joint venture 05 S/N Industry Cultural Tourism 12000 Total Investment Introduction of capital 12000 Project Contents Construction site Make full use of herdsmen settlement houses and boutique travel village facilities to operate rural tourism business relying on natural and human culture tourist resources in the territory. Gather the multiple elements such as grassland of Hongyuan County, folk tradition and fold customs, outdoor sports, Tibetan Buddhist culture to push out the items such as ecological tourism, leisure vacation, herdsmen settlement house village hotel, specialty catering and entertainment, highlight the characteristics of tourist participation and experience, etc. Hongyuan County Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Hongyuan County has rich tourism resources and unique prairie landscape. After Hongyuan airport is open for navigation, Hongyuan County will become an important tourism distribution center in Northwest Sichuan and an important destination of Dajiuzhai International tourist area. by virtue of regional advantages, good ecological environment and unique natural humanities tourism resources, the project construction is bound to attract many tourists to come to spend a holiday at a summer resort and meet various needs of tourists for folk customers tour, at the same time can promote the overall tourist reception capacity and level of Hongyuan County. The project has broad market prospects. Building Conditions After series livelihood projects such as herdsmen settlement and “ Sanbai” demonstrative project are implemented, boutique village foundation of various villages and towns, especially Shuajingsi Town, Anqu Village, Qiongxi Town and Waqie Village, has been formed. Boutique stockaded villages have reasonable layout, unique, neat and bright landscape, sound infrastructures such road traffic and water and electricity communication in the territory, the conditions for building up Hongyuan rural boutique tourist villages has matured. Economic Benefits After the project is completed, it is predicted that annual income of RMB 25 million can be realized. Pre-phase Work Construction period Three years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise its***




Phone Number: 0837-266***

Contact:Jiang Wei



05 文化旅游项目 依托境内文化旅游资源,充分利用牧民定居房、精品旅游村 寨设施,经营乡村旅游。聚集红原县草原、民风民俗、户外 体育、藏传佛教文化等多种元素,推出生态旅游、休闲度 假、牧民定居房乡村酒店、特色餐饮、娱乐逗趣等项目,重 点突出游客参与体验等特色。红原县 项目单位现状 公司名称 法定代表人 经济性质 职工人数 设立时间 总负债 产负债率 总资产 总投资 12000 引进资金 12000 企业自筹 经济效益 项目建成后,预计可实现年收入2500万元。前期工作 合作方式 独资、合资 市场分析及预测 红原县旅游资源丰富,大草原风光别具一格,红原机场通航后,红原县将成为川西北地区的重要 旅游集散地和大九寨国际旅游区的重要目的地。凭借区位优势、优良的生态环境和独特的自然人 文旅游资源,该项目的建设必将吸引众多游客前来避暑度假,同时能提升红原县整体旅游接待能 力和接待水平,项目具有广阔的市场前景。建设条件 牧民定居、“三百”示范工程等系列民生工程实施后,各乡镇特别是刷经寺镇、安曲乡、邛溪镇、瓦切乡精品村寨基础已形成,精品村寨在县境内布局合理、景致独特、整洁亮丽,道路交通、水 电通讯等基础设施健全,全力打造红原乡村精品旅游村寨的条件已经成熟。建设工期 3 建设性质 新建

Unit: RMB 10***




1、新建觉囊文化产业园:包括文物展馆、演艺中心、民俗 风情街打造、文化旅游产品生产及销售。2、开发则曲河及杜柯河生态漂流:包括河道清理、设置安 全防护设施、建设起止停靠码头、打造沿途景观、建游客休 驿站及旅游综合服务中心。3、新建自驾游营地及温泉度假区。壤塘县 序号 06 文化旅游 项目单位现状 公司名称 法定代表人 经济性质 职工人数 设立时间 总负债 产负债率 总资产 总投资 12500 引进资金 12500 企业自筹 经济效益 项目建成后,预计可实现年利润3750万元。前期工作 项目前期规划基本完成 合作方式 合资、合作 市场分析及预测 壤塘县(亦名壤巴拉-财神居住的地方)依山傍水,丛林苍翠,民风淳朴,素有高原林海明珠秀 城之美誉,境内旅游资源丰富。该项目定位为集绿色环保、自然生态、休闲文化产业及群众文化 活动为一体的开放式生态文化旅游产业区,旨在引导文化旅游情趣体验、特色文化旅游消费,培 育新的文化旅游消费增长点。建设条件 壤塘旅游资源丰富,独特的自然风光、天然温泉和人文风情,吸引了无数国内外游客;预计到 2015年,游客人数将达到20万人次。随着红原机场的建成通航,壤塘地区的交通将得到极大改 善,且县内交通、通讯、水电等基础设施完备。建设工期 2 建设性质 新建

Ways of Cooperation Joint venture, cooperation 06 S/N Industry Cultural Tourism 12500 Total Investment Planned capital attraction 12500 Project Contents Construction site 1.To newly build Juenang cultural industry park: including cultural relic exhibition hall, performance and art center, building of folk customs street, production and sales of cultural tourism products. 2.To develop Zequ River and Duke River ecological drifting: including river cleaning, setting up safety protection facilities, constructing start-stop dock, building landscape along the way, building tourist rest post and tourist comprehensive service center. 3.To newly construct self-drive camp and hot-spring resort. Rangtang County Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Rangtang County (also called as Rangbala, a place that the god of wealth resides at), near the mountain and by the river with dark green forests, where the people are simple and honest, has long been known as "Plateau Forests Sea and Beautiful Pearl City"and has rich tourism resources. For project positioning, it is an open-type ecological culture tourism industry area integrated with green ecology, natural ecology, leisure culture industry and mass cultural activities, which aims to guide culture tourism interest experience and characteristic cultural tourism consumption and foster new cultural tourism consumption growth point. Building Conditions There are rich tourism resources, unique natural scenery, natural hot springs, and humanistic amorous feelings in Rangtang, which attract numerous foreign and domestic tourists. By 2015, visitors will reach 200000 person times. With the completion and opening for navigation of the Hongyuan airport, traffic in Rangtang area will be improved significantly and the traffic, communication, water and electricity and other infrastructures in the county will be complete. Economic Benefits After the project is completed, it is predicted that annual profit of RMB 37.5 million and tax payment of RMB 1.87 million can be realized. Pre-phase Work The preliminary planning of project has been basically completed. Construction period Two years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself




Phone Number: 0837-237***

Contact:Fan Xingjian


Unit: RMB 10***



E-mail: rtxjjswj**[ta]**.com



Phone Number: 0837-625***

Contact:Zou Nan



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