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1Thomas Ybert

法国生物技术公司DNA Script的联合创始人兼CEO

Thomas2014年创建了DNA Script,当时他只有30岁。在完成生物技术博士学位后,Thomas在赛诺菲工作,之后为AmyrisTotal开发生物燃料。在这个行业的从业经验中,Thomas注意到编写DNA的技术落后于读取DNA的技术。Thomas与另外两位杰出的年轻企业家Sylvain GarielCOO)和Xavier GodronCTO)共同创建了DNA Script。他们一起决定开发一种新的生物方法,这种方法可以比目前的化学技术更快、更准确、更经济地合成DNA。到目前为止,该公司表现良好,在2017年的A轮融资中筹集到了1100万美元。


Kurma Partners成立于20097月,是医疗保健和生物技术创新融资的欧洲主要参与者,从种子前到成长资本,特别是通过Kurma Biofund IIIKurma Diagnostics,以及通过与着名的战略合作伙伴关系欧洲研究和医疗机构。


Kurma Partners在整个价值链中运营,并开展以下活动:

Kurma Biofund I的基金管理(规模为5100万欧元)Kurma Biofund I是一家专注于生命科学和医疗保健的投资基金。它致力于建立创新融资的新经济模式:基于与法国和欧洲最着名的生物技术和医学研究中心的战略合作伙伴关系的模式。Kurma Biofund I对早期项目特别感兴趣,即使是那些处于技术前沿的项目,旨在将它们转变为可行的创业项目,并在三到五年内实现它们。

Kurma Biofund II的基金管理,目标规模为5500万欧元,KBII是一个风险基金,按照与Kurma Biofund I相同的方法建立,重点关注罕见疾病(至少占基金的50%)。该基金的四个主要LPGSKBPI FranceNEANew Entreprise Associates)和Idinvest Partners

Kurma Diagnostics的资金管理,KDx20155月首次收到33,300万欧元,是一家专门致力于诊断解决方案(IVD,设备和数字健康)项目和公司的加速基金。KDx建立在KBI期间在诊断领域进行的成功投资的基础上。该基金受益于与诊断领域的主要欧洲机构的多个合作伙伴关系。

根据咨询要求管理Idinvest PartnersBiotech投资组合,前身为AGF Private Equity(“Idinvest Biotech”)。该投资组合包括13家公司,其中3家已退出,10家已上市。总投资规模约为1亿欧元。Kurma Partners继续为生命科学投资中的IdInvest提供建议,与Kurma基金共同投资。与kurma基金共同投资策略。




Kurma Partners在生命科学领域(公司组建,种子基金)的“早期阶段”投资中开发了一套独特的技能。该分部约占Kurma投资活动的40%。





Kurma Partners的团队相信资本投资的优点,可以加快研究成果,将其转化为可行的公司项目,并通过开发新药,诊断产品和设备为改善我们的生活做出贡献。我们的业务是将健全和可持续的项目转让给工业合作伙伴。投资的财务业绩代表着一种价值创造链,其基础是企业家的勇气以及工业,经济,人类,社会和社会发展之间的紧密联系。


Kurma Partners的行动基于某些价值观和原则:



就共同目标以及建立和实施基于信心的投资者 - 企业家关系的所有运营方式达成一致。





Kurma Biofund I

KURMA BIOFUND I:致力于生命科学的投资基金

Kurma Biofund I,规模为5100万欧元,于200911月推出。它由11家活跃的生命科学公司组成。基金与研究机构合作创建了该投资组合中的五家公司。


通过Kurma Biofund IKurma Partners的投资方法强调了一种选择性的风险方法,而不是投资领域内的极端多样化。对于每项投资,Kurma Partners专注于有限数量的科学项目



首次投资在150,000500,000欧元之间,以开发和测试科学假设,并证明研究所涉概念的适用性。总和可以快速获得,Kurma Partners可以选择研究结果。



Kurma PartnersTT投资策略基于以下原则:










29 rue du Faubourg Saint Jacques




24号,皇家街/ 5E ETAGE

75008巴黎 法国

电话:+3301 84 86 0***




80539慕尼黑 德国


2Laura Soucek


作为一名成功的癌症研究者,Laura2014年创立了Peptomyc,目的是将自己的研究转化为新一代的癌症治疗方法。她在巴塞罗那瓦尔赫伯伦肿瘤研究所结识了共同创始人兼CSO Marie-Eve BeaulieuPeptomyc公司正在开发一种能穿透癌细胞并杀死癌细胞的肽类药物。最重要的是,这种疗法已显示出治疗癌症的希望,而且不存在通常与癌症治疗(如化疗)相关的严重副作用。20187月,该公司从西班牙风险投资公司Alta Life Sciences筹集了420万欧元。


Dr. Laura Soucek


Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Peptomyc S.L.

Principal Investigator of the Mouse Models of Cancer Therapies Group at the Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) and ICREA Professor. Dr. Soucek is a leading figure in the Myc field and has pioneered studies on MYC inhibition since designing Omomyc when she was still an undergraduate student. Dr. Laura Soucek has published in top scientific journals including Nature, Nature Medicine, Genes & Development, and Nature Communications as First and Senior author. Since early 2011, she heads the Mouse Models of Cancer Therapies Group at the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), Barcelona, Spain. Her research at VHIO has already been recognized through several national research awards and grants (FERO fellowship, grants from the Miguel Servet Program, FIS and AGAUR), and prestigious international grants such as an ERC Consolidator grant, two ERC Proof of Concept grants and an AICR (now Worldwide Cancer Research) grant. Laura is also co-inventor of three patent applications including the ones at the basis of this project. In December 2014, she co-founded Peptomyc S.L. As CEO of the company, she is directing the scientific and strategic aspects of the project, overseeing its overall implementation, progress, and success.


Relevant publications

Dang CV, Reddy EP, Shokat KM, Soucek L. Nat Rev Cancer. 2017 Aug;17(8)502***

Whitfield JR, Beaulieu ME and Soucek L (2017) Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 510

Beaulieu ME, Jauset T, Massó-Vallés DM, Soucek L, and Whitfield JR (2017) Cancer Genetics and Genomics for Personalized Medicine. Edited by Il-Jin Kim

Annibali, D., Whitfield, J.R., Favuzzi, E., Jauset, T., Serrano, E., Cuartas, I., Redondo-Campos, S., Folch, G., Gonzalez-Junca, A., Sodir, N.M., et al. (2014). Nature Communications 5, 4***

Soucek, L., Whitfield, J.R., Sodir, N.M., Masso-Valles, D., Serrano, E., Karnezis, A.N., Swigart, L.B., and Evan, G.I. (2013). Genes & Development 27, 504-***

Sodir, N.M., Swigart, L.B., Karnezis, A.N., Hanahan, D., Evan, G.I., and Soucek, L. (2011). Genes & Development 25, 907-***

Savino, M., Annibali, D., Carucci, N., Favuzzi, E., Cole, M.D., Evan, G.I., Soucek, L., and Nasi, S. (2011). PloS One 6, e22***

Soucek, L., Whitfield, J., Martins, C.P., Finch, A.J., Murphy, D.J., Sodir, N.M., Karnezis, A.N., Swigart, L.B., Nasi, S., and Evan, G.I. (2008). Nature 455, 679-***

Soucek, L., Nasi, S., and Evan, G.I. (2004). Cell Death and Differentiation 11, 1038-1***

Soucek, L., Jucker, R., Panacchia, L., Ricordy, R., Tato, F., and Nasi, S. (2002). Cancer Research 62, 3507-3***

Soucek, L., Helmer-Citterich, M., Sacco, A., Jucker, R., Cesareni, G., and Nasi, S. (1998). Oncogene 17, 2463-2***


Dr. Marie-Eve Beaulieu


Co-Founder & Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) of Peptomyc S.L.

Senior Postdoctoral Fellow in Dr. Soucek’s Mouse Models of Cancer Therapies Group at the Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO).

Dr. Beaulieu has extensive experience in biochemistry and structural biology of b-HLH-LZ transcription factors (such as Omomyc) and peptide design. In parallel to her academic career, she worked with the pharmaceutical industry and studied peptide formulations using various biophysical methods such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Circular Dichroism and Fluorescence spectroscopies. Marie-Eve graduated in November 2011 (PhD in Pharmacology, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada), and was awarded several competitive fellowships (CREFSIP scholarship grant (PhD project), MITACS Accelerated postdoctoral fellowship (postdoc project at Theratechnologies Inc., Montreal, Canada) and a FRSQ postdoctoral award from the Quebec government (current postdoc project)). She already co-authored 13 peer-reviewed publications and

2 book chapters. In 2012, she joined Dr. Soucek’s laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow and unveiled the cell-penetrating properties of the purified Omomyc peptide. She is co-inventor of the patent application protecting the use of Omomyc in medicine and co-founder of Peptomyc S.L. with the aim of translating years of academic research into a practical value for society. As CSO of Peptomyc, Marie-Eve will coordinate the activities performed by the CROs and perform and supervise the activities related to the Omomyc peptide development (preclinical validation in vitro and in vivo) within the lab.


Genesis Biomed

GENESIS Biomed is a start-up formed by entrepreneurs and with vocation of service to entrepreneurs and research centers.They have been involved as strategic consultants since the very beginning, helping the company in strategy, business development, regulatory affairs and fundraising.


Vantum Corporate

Vantum Corporate (CFO).

Peptomyc Research Team

Dr. Francisco Castillo

Dr. Castillo is the newest addition to the research team and has extensive experience at the early stages of drug discovery. As a PhD student, he designed the best-in-class cell penetrating peptides against Ebola and Marburg filoviridae. During his industrial placement, he contributed to the discovery of natural products and small molecules against FoxO3a aberrant nuclear translocation viaphenotypical high-content screening. As a Cancer Research UK postdoctoral fellow he implemented a FRET-based screening platform, which led to the identification of novel fragments specifically targeting cRaf interaction with kRAS-G12D. He has co-authored 6 peer-reviewed publications and 2 book chapters as first author. Francisco is now characterizing the biopharmaceutical stability of Omomyc for further formulation development.


Dr. Laia Foradada

Dr. Foradada joined Peptomyc in 2016 as an expert in in vivostudies and pathology. She graduated in Veterinary Medicine (UAB; 2006) and then moved to the Histology and Pathology Department where she obtained a PhD in Animal Medicine and Health (CBATEG, UAB; 2013) and extensive knowledge in anatomy, pathology and animal surgery. Afterwards she worked in the Functional Validation and Preclinical Research group (CIBBIM-Nanomedicine, VHIR) where she developed her expertise in mouse models, functional and preclinical validation of new compounds and skills in molecular imaging techniques. Laia is co-author of 9 peer-reviewed publications.


Dr. Silvia Casacuberta

Dr. Casacuberta is an expert immuno-oncology scientist who joined Peptomyc in 2016 as a postdoctoral researcher. She has a master in Biomedicine (Universitat de Barcelona; 2011) and a PhD in Immunology (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; 2016). During her PhD she designed a method to induce immune tolerance in a model of multiple sclerosis and has already co-authored 8 peer-reviewed publications, 2 of which as a first author. In order to elucidate the role of Myc in orchestrating immune evasion, Silvia is applying her extensive knowledge of the immune system to investigate how Myc inhibition modulates the anti-tumor immune response in different cancer models.


Dr. Toni Jauset

Dr. Jauset has wide experience in the preclinical validation of cancer therapies. He graduated in Biotechnology (Universitat de Lleida, 2010) and obtained a Master in Molecular Medicine (Cranfield University, 2011), before completing his PhD under Dr. Laura Soucek’s supervision. During his thesis, Toni investigated the mode of action of the Omomyc transgene and helped characterize the effects of the Omomyc mini-protein in NSCLC. He also collaborated with various laboratories to develop Omomyc-based nanoparticles and with pharmaceutical companies to test their drugs in mouse models. He is co-author of 5 peer-reviewed publications and 2 patents. After working in Dr. Soucek’s laboratory for several years, Toni joined Peptomyc’s team in 2017 to continue the preclinical development of Omomyc-based pharmacological approaches.


Dr. Daniel Massó-Vallés

Dr. Massó-Vallés graduated in Biology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2009), and obtained a Master degree in Advanced Genetics from the same university (2010). He then received a PhD in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine in Dr. Laura Soucek’s laboratory (2017), where he studied the role of Myc in metastatic breast cancer and the repurposing of ibrutinib for the treatment of pancreatic cancer. He recently joined Peptomyc after being awarded a ‘Torres Quevedo’ fellowship to validate a new generation of cell penetrating peptides targeting Myc for breast cancer treatment. Daniel is co-author of 6 peer-reviewed publications (2 as first author), a book chapter and a patent application.


Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

Peptomyc S.L. benefits from the expertise of a strong Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) comprising the following internationally renowned thought leaders in oncology



Head of the Medical Oncology Department of the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital; Director of the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, Barcelona, Spain.


Josep Tabernero holds MD and PhD degrees from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. He is currently Head of the Medical Oncology Department at the Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, Director of the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), and leads the Research Innovation of Catalonian Cancer Centers Network.


He also directs VHIO´s Gastrointestinal and Endocrine Tumors Group, the Research Unit for Molecular Therapy of Cancer (UITM) - “la Caixa”, and is Principal Investigator of several Phase I pharmacodynamic studies and translational projects with molecular targeted therapies, with particular emphasis on EGFR-family inhibitors and IGFR-PI3K-Akt-mTOR pathway inhibitors, as well as phase II and III studies with novel chemotherapeutics.


Based on the idea that each tumor has an independent genetic identity, his group aims at potentiating molecular therapies targeting specific oncoproteins and accelerating more effective personalized cancer medicines for patients displaying genetic lesions or pathway disregulation. One of his team´s main objectives is to establish novel predictive markers of response to anti-cancer therapies and identify markers of primary resistance (de novo) and secondary treatment.


At preclinical level, in collaboration with VHIO´s cancer researchers and physician-scientists, he develops new xenograft models with explant tumors from patients (“xenopatients”) in mice in order to mimic the patient’s disease and study tumor development in optimal research models. He also leads research into the study of circulating biomarkers (detection and genotyping of circulating free DNA), and is dedicated to advancing the immuno-oncology field through a large portfolio of trials with some of the most promising targets in immune checkpoints and cytokines. By paring immune therapeutics with oncogenomics, his team seeks to render anti-cancer therapies more precise.


Dr. Tabernero serves on the Editorial Boards of various top tier journals includingAnnals of Oncology, ESMO Open, Cancer Discovery andClinical Cancer Research. He has (co) authored approximately 350 peer-reviewed pape***


He is currently President (2018 - 2019) of the European Society for Medical Oncology´s (ESMO), and also serves as member of its Executive Board. He is also member of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), and has been appointed as member of several Educational and Scientific Committees of ESMO, ECCO, ASCO, AACR, AACR/NCI/EORTC, ASCO Gastrointestinal, and WCGIC meetings.



Chief of Neuro-oncology in the Department of Neurology, Northwestern Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine

Professor of Neurological Surgery, Neurology, and Oncology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Co-Director, Northwestern Brain Tumor Institute

Associate Director for Strategic Initiatives, Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, Chicago Illinois

Roger Stupp trained in Internal Medicine, Oncology/Hematology in Switzerland and at the University of Chicago. He worked over 17 years as a physician and researcher at the University of Lausanne, before being appointed in 2013 as the Director of the Department of Oncology and Cancer Center at the University Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland. He moved in 2017 to take up his current positions at Northwestern University in Chicago. He has been a member of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) since 1994, and serves as the President of the organization since 2012. Dr. Stupp’s research focuses on early drug development, the combination of chemo- and radiotherapy, multidisciplinary cancer management, namely in the areas of lung cancer and brain tumors. He is involved in bringing innovative and multimodal treatments to the clinic. Roger Stupp has been the principal investigator for large multimodality clinical trials in brain tumors and non-small cell lung cancer.


Dr. Stupp is section editor for the European Journal of Cancer. He serves in scientific or educational committees of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO); he also acts as a consultant for several European and National funding agencies.


Enriqueta Felip

Head of the Thoracic Cancer and the Head and Neck Cancer Units within the Oncology Department of Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain


Enriqueta Felip is Head of the Thoracic Cancer and the Head and Neck Cancer Units within the Oncology Department of Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain. She is also Associate Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Enriqueta Felip received her medical degree from the UAB, where she also completed her PhD studies in medical oncology.


Professor Felip is in charge of thoracic malignancy management, and is responsible for thoracic cancer trials undertaken by the Oncology Department. Current research lines include the individualization of chemotherapy in early-stage disease, the use of pharmacogenomic approaches, the evaluation of new drugs, and the optimization of immunotherapy strategies.


She is currently a member of the Spanish Lung Cancer Group (SLCG), the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO), the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) and the National Lung Cancer Partnership. She is the coordinator of the lung cancer program of the European School of Oncology (ESO). Dr Felip is also author of many peer-reviewed articles and book chapters relating to the field of thoracic malignancies.


CEO Laura Soucek presented with European Award for Female Entrepreneurs by the Asociación Europea de Economía y Competitividad


At a special dinner on 15thMarch 2019, Dr Soucek was given the award by the Asociación Europea de Economía y Competitividad (AEDEEC) with the goal of celebrating the excellence, competitivity and influence of women and to demonstrate their support of women in business. This is the first edition of the European Awards to Female Entrepreneurs. The ceremony took place in the Hotel Suites Mira Sierra, and was presented by the journalist Emilio Javier Gómez Plaza, an honorary member of AEDEEC, who commented on behalf of the Association that it was “totally necessary to pay a small tribute to women who have succeeded in leading teams and launching all manner of successful project***


Laura commented that it was “an honour to receive such an award, and a particularly special evening meeting so many remarkable and smart women who have been successful in a diverse range of businesses”.


At Peptomyc we believe in forging strategic partnerships that will ultimately enable us to drive Myc inhibition into the clinic as an effective anti-cancer therapy across multiple tumor types. We therefore welcome your interest, questions or any queries you may have surrounding Peptomyc. Please do contact us direct***


Chief-Executive-OfficerLaura Soucek



Chief-Scientific-OfficerMarie-Eve Beaulieu



Peptomyc’s business model consists of de-risking Omomyc-CPP from a Proof of Concept Development Stage into a successful Phase I/II product and then Licensing it to a Pharmaceutical company.

Peptomyc is currently looking for investors in order to fund the clinical development of Omomyc. Should you have any enquiries please contact lsoucek**[ta]**omyc.com.


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