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Voice for Chinese & Canadian food industry & Prof.

CCAFIP is a non-profit organization registered in the province of Ontario.

The Association will provide leadership and assistance to Chinese Canadian Professionals and Industries involved in the science, technology, manufacturing and marketing of food. The association will provide assistance to all members to achieve their goals.

The Association was founded on August 28, 2004 in Toronto. The Board of Directors are :

Jian Liu, Di Wang, and Lihu Yao.

The Executive officers are:

Jian Liu, Di Wang, Lihu Yao, Yingying Chen.

Current plan of actions for CCAFIP:

1)hold workshops to coach skills on job searching, networking, job profiling, and career development. The associaiton will set up mentorship program.

2)hold seminars to share knowledge, emerging technology and impact assessment, to promote commercilization.

3)act as "incubator" for business and professional ideation to support members on project implementation.

4)act as ambassador of food, nutrition, and health.


CCAFIP Founding Members (in alphabetical order)


Jian Liu, MASc, PEng, PMP

Specialized in Cost Improvement and Project Engineering for Food and Beverage Sectors

Di Wang, MASc, CQE

Specialized in Quality Management and R&D for Food Manufacturing and Retail Sectors

Lihu Yao, PhD

Specialized in SRED Application, Quality Management, and R&D for Food and Beverage Sectors


CCAFIP News Update as of June 10, 2016

New_2016) CCAFIP is planning a tour of City of Toronto Food Starters program in Toronto. The proposed dates are July 7 or 14. For details, please contact jianliu828[ta]aol.com.

On February 27, 2016 CCAFIP Restaurant and Food Service Group visited the Maple Leaf Garden Loblaw's located in Downtown Toronto. The tour was organized by Henry Xin. The group was greeted and enjoyed a presentation by the on store Chef and Nutritionist. The group also tasted cheese, sushi. During the 2 hours tour, the group learned many different food ideas and nutrition.

On Feb 20, 2016, CCAFIP had a badminton event at Scarborough 115 Commander Blvd. The event was hosted by Konnie Wang. over 15 people attended the session. The team exercised and networked after the game. 

Food Safety and HACCP Training by Global Training Technology Transfer on March 10, 2016, Sunday, 10:00 am � 12: pm. Location: 43A Lesmill Road, Toronto, ON M3B 2T8 Contact Carol: phone: 416-640-4067; E-mail: ccofah[ta]gmail.com

1_2016) CCAFIP 2016 New Year's Celebration Party (Pot Luck) was held at Leslie and 401 area on January 3, 2016 from 1 pm to 4 pm. Over 20 peopel attended. The theme for the event was " ccafip and members in 10 years" /p>

2_2015) CCAFIP executives and members finished an exciting Networking event at Maison Du Japan (www.maisondujapon.ca) of Markham on November 1, 2015. Over 20 old and new freinds joined us. The event kicked off by Jian Liu and Di Wang welcoming all members, then all the attedants introduced their backgrounds, areas of business and career interests including hobbies. Dr. Yao also donated CLA-80 Ethera Health products to the attendants. The association is planning 4 events in 2016: February 20 will be a Badminton event. Hosted by Konnie Wang. May will be hosted by William Tang. August will be hosted by Alfred Yu. October will be apple picking and hosted by Sunny Liu.>

CCAFIP had successfully completed a 2014 spring festival gathering at The star Walk Buffet on Janaury 29, 2014, a summer gathering on June 30, 2013 at Stouffville. Also a Christmas Gathering and networking session December 29, 2012 at North York. Both were pot luck parties and members brought in all kinds of foods either cooked themselves, or bought from the supermarket, some developers even testing their favorite recipes and checking the new market. The sessions were affected by the snow storms in the winter and hot weather in the summer, however, the passion from members were very obvious. The recommendation was to have more frequest social and networking sessions in 2013 and 2014 open to others.

2_2014) 加中食品协会123在海上海餐馆举办了2011年度圣诞聚会。正所谓宾客至多伦多来,不亦乐乎。老朋友,新面孔齐聚一堂;不认识的互相介绍,不禁感叹世界之小,个体之间总有这样那样的联系;熟悉的分享这段时间以来工作生活的变化。本次聚会,QAQC行业人员居主,也不乏R&D,包装等。大家交流各行业的信息,无形中也拓宽了对加拿大食品行业了解的知识面。调侃之际,时间流逝, 大家余兴未尽,部分人员继而玩起桌球,同时进行深入的探讨:自己职业发展的规划,对新会员的建议等,整个活动于晚6时结束。

CCAFIP is planning a Christmas Gathering and networking session at 4675 Steeles Ave E., Unit 1R1 and 1R2 (High Shaghai Restraurant) on Dec 3, 2011 from 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm. If interested, RSVP please inform Jian Liu at jianliu828[ta]yahoo.ca.

New freinds, new faces, and celebrating the new year! Let's get together and plan our way forward as a group and as a part of our ever-growing Chinese community.

3_2014)加中食品协会(CCAFIP)2011641:30PM~6:30PM在位于sheppard Ave. E HWY404Condo活动室内举办了2011年度夏季聚会。该次聚会以品尝与会人员的厨艺为开端,在这样一个轻松愉快的氛围内,老成员叙叙旧,新成员熟络起来,大家赞不绝口对方的拿手好菜。 短暂的食物热身后,大家围坐一堂,Mr. Jian Liu 介绍了本次聚会的主旨,希望所有成员都能畅所欲言,提出对加中食品专业协会的期望、建议、调整今年及以后发展的方向。根据目前登陆的新移民人数不断减少的趋势,由以往的帮助新移民就业为主逐渐扩展帮助刚入职或者刚入门的专业人士提高专业技能。所有成员逐一介绍自己的经历,专业背景,对中加食品协会的看法和建议。根据各自的领域和建议,形成以下会议纪要纲要: 4.        加中食品协会在近期内将建立LINKED-IN群组,会员可以互相分享各自的人脉,同时也扩大协会的社会影响力; 2.  加中食品协会的网站会不断更新,并预建立一个论坛,所有成员可以发表各自感兴趣的话题,工作中的困难,分享自己的经验,提供建议等; 3. 与会的新成员们都一致希望协会能扩大社会影响,帮助更多的职场新人,帮助大家尽早找到这个,因此,协会组织部分会员,进行市场及会员制推广; 4.        基于加拿大市场对食品生产、包装设备的需求及中国制造的设备在加拿大市场的应用程度,如何提高中国制造的设备的推广应用和售后服务是协会以后思考的一个方向; 5.    协会资深的工程人员将组织活动,分享职场经验和扩大社交圈子; 6.          寻找有关微菌食品生产的相关资源; 7. 由于从事食品质量保证/控制的人员占据一定比例,部分人员从事BRC认证,协会筹划内部分享BRC实践和知识; 本会根据与会人员的专业背景划分了活动小组,分为食品质量保证/控制小组,工程和生产小组,市场推广小组,网站建设等,初步预定下次会议于20119月召开。各个活动小组在此期间单独活动,并于下次会议汇报活动进程。

2)a) Job opportunities in Toronto for Maintenance and production supervisors, for large food companies. Please reply ASAP (June 17)

If interested in finding out the details, please e-mail jianliu828[ta]yahoo.ca.

3) 2010年华人投资加拿大农场,食品产业讲座, 会议时间: 2010 429日,星期四, 9 Am --4 Pm 讲座地点: Ontario Investment & Trade Centre, 35th Floor, 250 Yonge St. Toronto (near the Eaton Centre) Canada-China Agriculture and Food Development Exchange Centre Mail Address: 1300 Garth Street, P.O. Box 79009. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L9C 5V0

3) CCAFIP hosted a spring seminar at old CPAC office (4168 Finch Ave East, Ground Floor, Scarborough) on January 23, 2010 from 1 pm to 4:30 pm.

食品工业:食品安全与机遇 加中食品协会专题讲座



首先,CCAFIP协会副会长Di Wang女士致开幕词,欢迎所有的发言人和出席者参加本次讲座,并介绍了本次讲座的主要内容。

CCAFIP协会会长Jian Liu先生就食品生产的新兴技术和工艺做以介绍,阐明在全球经济形势普遍不景气的大局下,食品行业依旧蓬勃发展,充满生机。


在食品加工领域拥有丰富经验的Venkatesh Ramachandran先生介绍了良好操作规范(GMP)和食品安全,通过GMP的六个方面确保食品加工的安全。

来自全球知名猎头公司HaysPreeti Dayal女士和Anthony McCormack先生以自身的招募经验介绍了面试的实用技巧。

Culinary Destinations International Inc.董事长兼Guelph Food Technology Centre副主席 Keith Chen先生介绍了食品安全和食品工业的发展趋势及公司的历史和发展的前景。

来自Ontario College of TechnologySean Tan先生为想进入食品行业和想在食品行业进一步发展的人士提供了进修的平台。

最后,由CCAFIP副会长Lee Yao博士主持的提问和自由交谈时间将整场讲座推向高潮。大家就目前食品行业的就业前景,就业机会,求职技巧,培训和行业转换等纷纷提出自己的问题。如何探求潜藏的就业市场,如何使自己的简历从众多求职者中脱颖而出,猎头公司和雇主如何筛选简历等,所有的小组成员给出很多中肯、实用的答复和建议:确保简历没有语法和拼写错误,以23页的简历有效的概述自己的经历等。针对出席者不同的需求,行业背景和经验,小组成员提供了尽可能的信息和现有的就业机会,使来参加讲座的观众满意而归。



1)      举办讲习班,就人际关系网建立,就业技巧提高,工作现状分析,职业发展规划等提供专业指导。

2)      举办专题研讨会,分享行业知识,新兴技术,现状分析,致力于推进行业发展。

3)      作为专业和商业新兴理念的孵化中心,为有理想人士提供信息平台。

4)      推广食品,营养和健康理念。

2)"Food Industry is very close to be the first sector recovered from the recession completely". Most of food industry in Toronto either did not see a downturn or only mildly due to the impact from their US related business. CCAFIP has discussed these issues with a panel of Food Industry executives and Government officials lately. CCAFIP executives also have worked diligently with Food Industry companies for our CCAFIP members to get Jobs and Openings. Here is the list of jobs available for CCAFIP members to apply immediately.

Toronto Area

A) Production Supervisor, Maintenance Co-ordinator, and Recptionist for a large Food Processor must speak fluent Mandarin and Cantonese.

B) Assistant to Production Supervisor for a large Food Processor must speak Mandarin and Cantonese.

C) Dairy Plant part-time helper $14.11/hr. English proficiency is required. No agency and you got paid directly

D) Licensed Electrician for a large Pharmaceutical company. Top Pay and good benefit.

E) Facility Engineering Manager for a large Food Processor must speak fluent English.

F) Asian Foods Sales Manager - Tofu & Soy etc. $70-80K/yr must speak mandarin and Cantonese


G Continuous Improvement Manager at Vancouver $80-85K/yr must speak and write English proficiently.

h Plant Engineer at Edmonton $60-75K/yr.

i Continuous Improvement Manager for a large food and bevergae company in Manitoba over $100 K/yr.

Shanghai, China

j Performance Improvement Manager with a global beverage company RMB$350K/yr.

For details, please write to jianliu828[ta]yahoo.ca.

2)CCAFIP hosted a Q & A session for Food Industry opportunities at Chinese Professional Association Career Day on June 27, 2009. Alfred Yu, Keith Chan, Jian Liu and the speaker Joy Grant answered many questions from attendees. Keith Chan (President and CEO of Culinary Destinations) also announced several opening posisitions with Culinary Destinations. If interested, please contact Keith directly at www.culinarydestinations.com.

A) LINE LEADER OVERALL MANDATE The Production Line Leader is responsible for directing the manufacturing activities for ingredient and spice preparation, product assembly, cooking, freezing and packing, assuring the efficient production and delivery of quality products accomplished in a cost effective manner, while maintaining a clean, safe and motivated work environment. At any given time, the Production Line Leader can be assigned responsibility for one or more production activity areas. KEY FUNCTIONS 1. Optimize, implement and successfully manage production efficiency and quality standards. 2.      Manage the day-to-day activities of the manufacturing process to assure that safety and best practices are maximized. 3.         Manage the employment and training of production staff. 4.    Analyze and implement process flow improvements, to include capabilities for growth.

B) MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN OVERALL MANDATE To perform a wide variety of electrical, plumbing, equipment and general building maintenance and repair functions related to the care and maintenance of CDL buildings and facilities in order to enhance their long term value. KEY FUNCTIONS 1. Maintain superior housekeeping of machines, work areas and plant facilities. 2.      Perform preventative and predictive maintenance tasks as scheduled. 3.       Repair equipment and facilities as required. 4.   Provide safety and environmental stewardship. Ensure compliance with all applicable Federal and Provincial regulations and plant procedures.

C) PLANT SUPERVISOR OVERALL MANDATE The Plant Supervisor is responsible for directing the manufacturing process, assuring the efficient production and delivery of quality products accomplished in a cost effective manner, while maintaining a clean, safe and motivated work environment. The Plant Supervisor will also manage the continuous improvement process through the timely execution of corporate and departmental planned objectives that are in line with current operating procedures. Knowledge of the budgeting process and achieving budget targets are critical success factors. KEY FUNCTIONS 1. Optimize, implement and successfully manage production efficiency and quality standards. 2. Manage the day-to-day activities of the manufacturing process to assure that safety and best practices are maximized. 3.         Manage the employment and training of production staff. 4.         Analyze and implement process flow improvements, to include capabilities for growth. 5.    Develop and oversee implementation and administration of department policies, systems, and procedures. 6. Determines optimum staffing model for the department. 7.       Prepare operational analyses for the department.

D) R&D TECHNICAN OVERALL MANDATE: The Product Development Technician is part of an integrated team that includes Operations, Quality Control and Sales & Marketing. This position reports to the QA Manager and the President and supervises the Quality Control Technician. Communication among team members is essential. The primary function of the Product Development Technician is product development. In order to have a well grounded foundation, the Product Development Technician must also have a comprehensive understanding of Culinary Destinations� capabilities, its products and its position in the marketplace. Other supporting areas of responsibilities include: database management, competitor intelligence, industry related issues and customer relations. KEY FUNCTIONS �        Conduct ingredient evaluation. �    Prepare samples and maintain records and support materials following SR&ED and company requirements. �    Conduct internal sensory evaluation. �    Support plant trials and final product implementation. � Work with consultant to prepare nutritional information. � Prepare finished product specifications. �         Maintain new ingredient and sample inventories. �    Evaluate and maintain existing product formulations. �  Participate in training for mechanized production in order to understand capabilities for R&D product development.

E) QC TECHNICIAN OVERALL MANDATE: The Quality Control Technician is part of an integrated team that includes Operations, Production and Quality Control. Communication among team members is essential. The Quality Control Technician should possess a thorough knowledge of good manufacturing practices, HACCP and food safety and must possess critical thinking skills to ensure company policies and procedures are upheld. JOB ACCOUNTABILITIES: Quality Control/Records and Reports Management �      Evaluate all incoming ingredients, in processed products and finished products. �         Conduct incoming seafood inspection. � Develop and maintain various records and reports for quality control and HACCP program. �         Describe and investigate all deviations from standards. �    Collect water sample, product samples and environmental swabs for microbial testing. �         Collect samples and perform sensory analyses, comparing the daily production with the standards. �          Evaluate all products during the shelf life.

2) 加中食品协会 加中食品协会联袂加拿大中国专业人士协会隆重推出 全球金融风暴下的食品工业: 机遇与挑战 May 16, 2009, Saturday. 1:00 pm - 4:30pm CPAC meeting room G18, 4168 Finch Avenue East, Unit PH31 M1S 5H6 1.企业与个人的成长定位: - Keith Chen, Culinary Destinations International Inc.总裁;Guelph Food Technology Center副主席。 Positioned To Grow Keith Chen, President of Culinary Destinations International Inc., Vice Chair of Guelph Food Technology Center. 2.多伦多食品工业年增长幅度-14% - Michael Wolfson,多伦多市政经济委员会食品饮料 Toronto Food Industry Is Growing at 14% Per Year Michael Wolfson, City of Toronto Economic Council for Food and Beverage Sector 3.食品安全动态 - Michelle Chen, Bento Nova Foods Inc. 质量总监 Food Safety Trend Michelle Chen, Director of Quality for Bento Nova Foods Inc. 4.食品工业就业与职业发展 - Dr Lee Yao, Global Technology, Training and Trading Inc. 技术总监。 Food Industry Career: Entrance and Growth Dr.Lee Yao, Director of Global Technology, Training and Trading Inc. 5.食品工业就业互动:求职技巧交流,职业机会信息处理与网络建立,质量, 安全, 工程及生产相关的高薪职位特点与介绍,问与答。 Sharing job search and growth opportunity in the industry - managers, directors of quality, engineering, and production from various food industry companies.

2) On Dec 15 and 19, 2008, Dr. Lee Yao and Jian Liu along with several Onatrio Food Industry professionals presented to a Chinese delegation from Food and Drug Inspection and Quality Bureau. The topics were on Canadian and North America Food Safety, HACCP, and GMP practices, regulations, and trends. The officials from the Chinese delegation asked many sharp questions, shared their practices and compared notes on above areas.

3) CCAFIP is preparing a Spring Seminar - Sustainability (Raw and Packaging material yield improvement - challenge of commodity price increase, Energy conservation, Environmental protection, Packaging Footprint Improvement, Water conservation, Waste reduction) in Food Industry. This is a brand new area could provide new immigrants with professional background to start new business or find new jobs. Details to follow.

4) CCAFIP in the local Chinese news: a) Dr. Lihu Yao is one of the steering committee member for SiChuan Earthquake relief committee. One of the achievement is negotiating a minimal matching charge from Canadian International Development Agency and Red Cross Canada. b) ON July 17, Jian Liu spoke to Xingdao news reporter and promoting Chinese Food Safety and "Traceability program". http://www.ccue.com/ccp_east/2008-07-17/1216347693d1161188.html. c)Ms Di Wang chaired Sobeyes Canada Sichuan earth quake relief effort.

5)On June 4 and 5, 2008, Jian Liu was invited to present at Guelph Food Technology Center to present Sustainability case studies. Over 100 attenedants from Ontario Food industry attended. Jian also discussed potential corporation between CCAFIP and GFTC with GFTC President and VPs.

5) April 5, 2008, CCAFIP had a very successful Session on Food Industry Career forum. Over 40 people attended the session at CPAC conference room.

1:00 PM Opening remark by Di Wang

1:05 PM Food Handler certificate by Yingying Chen

1:25 PM HACCP and Food Safety Auditor by Lihu Yao

1:55 PM Break

2:00 PM Lean Manufacturing and TPM in Food Industry by Alfred Yu

2:30 PM Six Sigma and Productivity in Food Industry by Jian Liu

2:55 PM Q & A

3:10 PM Adjourment

Most of people were interested in the job opportunities in food industry. Several people were also interested in food import and export opportunites. All the speakers shared with attendees on their job search experience and tips on landing ideal jobs. Over all food industry is the number 1 job opportunity in Canada. It is the right field to focus for jobs and business opportunities.

Several open positions were filled with Bento Noveau company. Currently positions are available for people with both electrical and mechanical certificates to work as Industrial Technician in food companies. Please e-mail jianliu828[ta]aol.com.

中国食品,Chinese Canadian Food Association, Chinese Food, Food safety, Chinese Professionals, Chinese business, Chinese Canadian, Agri-Foods, made in china, Chinese food industry stocks"


8) China publish Food Safety White Book to clarify Food Safety situations in China and import/export. See =《中国的食品质量安全状况》白皮书()" !!!

9) On June 10, 2007, CCAFIP hosted "Food and Packaging Engineering Sector Needs You" sessions at CPAC Career day. Five industry leaders, owners, and managers spoke about the industry needs and how you can be successful in the industry. They also discussed their individual experiences in job searching and hiring new immigrants. They conveyed a strong message that the largest industry and employment opportunities in Canada needs many qualified immigrants to grow and evolve with the industry. 中国食品,Chinese Canadian Food Association, Chinese Food, Food safety, Chinese Professionals, Chinese business, Chinese Canadian, Agri-Foods, made in china, Chinese food industry stocks"

10)On June 10, 2007, CCAFIP executives also hosted a panel discussion on Industry Trends and Q&A session between the 2 speaking sessions. Together, we need to know your ideas on how the Association can help you to get better jobs. Some solicited ideas including establishing a job bank for both the candidates and enlist companies which have openings, job specific trainings, mentoring, co-op ...... 中国食品,Chinese Canadian Food Association, Chinese Food, Food safety, Chinese Professionals, Chinese business, Chinese Canadian, Agri-Foods, made in china"

11)In 2007, CCAFIP will continue to work with our business partners and members to deliver results on both professional and business growth areas. Current active projects are:

a) work with CPAC/CICS Mentorship program and establish a Co-op program for joint members of CPAC/CICS and CCAFIP. One straw case job position is established, CCAFIP and CPAC/CICS are jointly searching for the right candidates. The candidate will be our first in kind and hopefully we will learn from the experience and land more professional jobs.

The initial findings have pinpointed top 3 areas of opportunities for candidates with Mandanrin as native language to work in Manufacturing environment. We need to ensure verbal and written communictaion skills are developed (100%). We need to pay more attention to social and business skills vs technical skills (100%). We need to have good interview skills (100%).

b)CCAFIP has worked very closely with Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers (one of the largest grocer non profit organization) and secured a grant from Agiculture and Agri-Foods Canada. In the program, CCAFIP will act on behalf of the Chinese food industry and grocers in Canada to review the Food Safety program and make recommendations. CCAFIP will support the study by leading the translation of the program, promoting the program in the Chinese community, setting up joint training program for our memebers and community at large. The project is led by Yingying Chen, supported by Jian Liu, Lihu Yao, and Di Wang. More to come.

c) conduct seminars on Engineering and Food Science. Currently we are planning a seminar on i) Hydro-electricity genration from Bio Gas Generation from Food Ingredients/By-product/Waste. The session is to be conducted by a Ontario Green Project leader who just received multi-millian dollar funding from the province. ii) Packaging Engineering positions and what the owners are looking for. The session is to be conducted by several industrial owners. iii) Food Safety and HACCP. The session is to be conducted by CCAFIP executives.

6) CCAFIP Engineering group and CICS (华咨处) , one of the largest non-profit Canadian Immigration, Employment, and Settlement Services provider, are working together to expand the HRDC approved flagship program "Employment,Language and Mentorship Program". CCAFIP will support CICS ELM's Job Shadowing/co-op program. CCAFIP is in the process of placing several candidates with engineering and food science background to the food and related industry.

7) Jian Liu was invited to Woodgreen Community Agency (Chinese Immigrantion Task Force in Toronto, a joint 39 non profit organizations) and gave a speech on Interpersonal Communication skills on Saturday Nov 25 from 2-4 pm. He spoke on general and food industry specific communication and interpersonal skills. He also elaborated Target Selection theory and in practice, which is the latest HR recruiting tool. All attendants enjoyed his speech and quite a few of the attendants are following up with him on special skill trainings to improve both job searching and work place skills.

4)CCAFIP Engineering group and CICS (华咨处) , one of the largest non-profit Canadian Immigration, Employment, and Settlement Services provider, hosted a Novenmber 18 (2-4 pm) joint seminar on "Engineering in Manufacturing and Packaging". Jian Liu, Alfred Yu, and Eric Zheng led the seminar. Over 40 people packed the meeting room at the LINK center located at Shepperd and Kennedy Road. Both CCAFIP and CICS are planning to work together to drive the agenda for International Trained Engineers program. The overall CCAFIP/CICS program will be led by Alfred Yu. The program will consist 3 sections - Mentorship, networking and training for engineering skills including establishing a co-op program for internationally trained engineers.

5)On behalf of CCAFIP, Jian Liu attended Chinese Community support for "Fairness Access to Profession" discussion forum in Toronto. Total 34 professions including engineers, doctors, accountants, and lawyers, etc are currently self governed. It has been very difficult for oversea trained professionals to get license. This bill 124 of Ontario will allow the Ontario government to regulate these professions to ensure a fairness to the licensing process. As a professional engineer, Jian also had discussions with various attendees including CPAC, CICS (华咨处), Shanghai Business Association, Beijing University Alumini, Tsinghua University alumini etc and discussed various means to help new immigrants to land ideal professional jobs in Canada. Several Associations expressed strong interests to jointly host Packaging and Engineering seminar put forth by Jian. Jian also discussed the possibility of having internship (co-op) program in industry for new comers. Ontario Ministry of Immigration and Citizenship Michael Coller and his office are interested in working together to get these opportunities availble for new comers.

6)Mr. Tao Jun, President and CEO of Shanghai based ACIC (largest Chinese privately owned Food Inspection company for import/export) visited CCAFIP and discussed various opportunities with CCAFIP executives. Both Mr. Tao and CCAFIP executives agreed to jointly work on several projects to promote Chinese Food quality in both Canada and China.

7)For Food industry and farm owners and managers, if you want to know how to apply for a grant from Ontario Ministry of Food and Rural Affairs for implementing HACCP in your facility, please contact us at ccafip[ta]yahoo.ca

. The grant is up to $29,000. We can help you to improve your company image, implement HACCP and traceability programs, and increase your profit. The deadline is January 1, 2007.

8) On Agriculture and Agri Foods Canada's request, CCAFIP is inviting food industry owners and managers to participate a taskforce for implementing HACCP in Chinese Food sector. If interested, please contact us at ccafip[ta]yahoo.ca


9) On CPAC's invitation, CCAFIP organized a group of food and packaging company showcased jobs in the industry at CPAC career Day June 11, 2006. Alfred Yu, Richard Jia, and Jian Liu posted these positions and received great feedback from the attendees. Over 1000 people attended this Career day.

10) Congratulations to Mr. Yonli Lin, mentee of our Mentorship program. He just got an offer from Kraft Canada as an Electro-mechanic. Yonli came to us last year when he received both industrial mechanic and electrician license. He had a background in mechanical engineering in China. He quickly established himself by working as an operator and received both licenses very quickly. We were able to help him in getting his ideal job in Canada very quickly.

Do you want to be another Mr. Lin land your ideal job quickly in Food and related industry, please visit us ccafipmentorship[ta]yahoo.ca

The 2nd round of Mentorship program has started to accept registration. For information, please e-mail us.

11)Seven new students and 3 past students graduated from CCAFIP 2nd HACCP training course at Ontario College of Technology, 3660 Midland Ave., 2nd Floor, Suite 202 at Midland and McNicoll (South West corner). For next registration or inquiry, please call 416-332-8727. The official training course aiming to improve our member's integration to Canadian Food Industry (nominal fee) will start in June, 2006.

12) CCAFIP 2006 Winter Workshop - "Food and Packaging Prospects and Opportunities" was successfully held on Feb 18, 2006. Over 50 CCAFIP, CPAC members and guests attended despite the cold and icy weather preventing quite a few out-of-town participants attending. The workshop was chaired by Jian Liu. The three (3) keynotes Speakers gave excellent presentations

Dr. Steven Cui of AAFC gave an outstanding three parts presentation a) Agriculture research programs in Canada b)Research programs at AAFC Guelph and Trends in Agri Foods Research. c)Hiring process and website for AAFC research scinetists, post doctoral fellows, graduate students, and technicians. It was well received by the attendees especially those interested in agri-business, research, and graduating students.

Mr. Paul Zepf gave a very profound talk on Packaging Industry Prospects and Opportunities in the new global era. Paul also introduced new tools being used at packaging industry such as MES, ERP, OEE, Waste reduction, and statistics application. This really opened eyes for people with mechanical and electrical engineering background and interested in packaging field.

Mr. Ron Ng gave a dynamic presentation on Engineering and Maintenance in Food Industry. He used his own example encouraged the attendees to embrace the challenges and proactive in job searching. He also explained the key components what food industry is looking for from an engineer and maintenance technicians.

DR. Lihu Yao gave a short talk on HACCP opportunities and upcoming CCAFIP/QGI training course to be held on March 18, 2006.

Yingying Chen discussed Nutritional Labeling and how can company apply.

Alfred Yu and Eric Zheng explained CCAFIP Mentorship program and solicited more mentors and mentees to our Mentorship program.

Richard Jia and Jian Liu are leading the initiative to form a Packaging Interest group.

In conjuction with food industry, CCAFIP also has up to 15 mechanical and electrical or electro-mechanic positions open for people with mill wrights or electricians licences. The pay is approx. $26-30/hr with excellent benefits at Fortune 500 companies. If interested, please e-mail us your resume at ccafip[ta]yahoo.ca.

The cost was free to all particiapnts. CCAFIP welcome donations, sponsorship, and volunteer help.

13) CCAFIP Mentorship Program had her first joint mentor training session with CPAC on October 1. Six mentors attended (Alfred Yu, Eric Zheng, George Wang, Ying Chen, Di Wang and Jian Liu). We have accepted 2 mentees. Mentees are CCAFIP members who applied for the program and pass the preliminery screen with administrators. Mentors will help them to land ideal jobs quickly in Canada. For more details or interested in joining next session, please email CCAFIPmentorship[ta]yahoo.ca We are looking for more mentors and mentees.

14) On Nov 29, CCAFIP and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food had a round table discussion on Agriculture and food business in the ethnic communities in the province of Ontario. Steven Lu and 3 other members attended the discussion. Both sides were very impressed on the progress of Food and Agri-business in the chinese community and future opportunities in co-operation. This is the 2nd round table discussion for OMAF (the first one was with native Canadians in early 2005).

15) On August 27, CCAFIP Summer Workshop was a big success! Over 100 CCAFIP members and guests attended. The workshop was organized by CCAFIP Scientific Committee consisting of Dr. John Shi of Agriculture Canada and Dr. France Cho of University of Toronto.

2 Keynote speakers Dr Joseph Yun and Mr. Raymond Tsang gave excellent speeches on their respective fields - NA Dairy industry prospect and Health Canada Healthy product regulations.

Our guests Mr. Zhonghua Xu and Ms Jina Liu from Sino Canada Chinese Entrepreners Association gave speech on the anniversary of CCAFIP. Mr. Michael Wolferson of City of Toronto Economic Council - Food and Beverage Sector introduced the Food and Beverage support, Mr. Tan, principal of QGI college also gave a speech on CCAFIP and future collaborations.

CCAFIP executives Dr. Lihu Yao provided summary tips from January 22 workshop. Mr. Alfred Yu and Eric Zheng provided details of CCAFIP Mentorship program. Dr. Lihu Yao and Steven Lu introduced CCAFIP/QGI HACCP and Food Safety training. Mr. Jian Liu gave the tips on job interview and career development.

All attendees also enjoyed the mini Job Fair and social activity organized by Dr. John Shi.

This event was reported and the photo of the speakers and organizers were published by the Chinese World Journal on Sept 12, 2005.

16)On June 28, CCAFIP executives Jian Liu, Di Wang, Shawn Zhang and Alumini Lu ZhiJing had a meeting with visiting Southern Yangtze University (Wuxi Light Industry University, China) delegation, Mr. Lou Guadong (Vice Chancellor and General Secretary), Mr. Cai (Dean of School of Business Management), Mr. Gu Zhenbiao (Head of Science and Technolgy Transfer Bureau), and Translator Mr. Wang. The University delegation introduced the major initiatives/changes at the University: relocation to the new Tai Lake campus, enrolment of over 20,000 students, flagship programs in Food Science and Technolgy and other subjects. The CCAFIP executives introduced the CCAFIP programs and Toronto as the largest alumini cluster outside of China (over 40 and growing). Both groups expressed strong interests in future collaboaration and exchange information in various areas.


17) On behalf of CCAFIP, Jian Liu is requested by CPAC to give a presentation during the CPAC Career Day on June 12, 2005 at University of Toronto Scarborough campus. His topic is "How to Access Food Industry Careers". He will speak from the perspective of a Food Industry veteran, a professional engineer, and a hiring manager. He will also introduce CCAFIP and her programs along with other Food Industry resources available to attendees. Alfred Yu, Eric Zheng, Jian Pan, Sean Zhang joined Jian Liu on CPAC day. The team answered quite a few questions from attendees. Our audience were very intrested in the following area: a) how to get ideal job in QA. b) how to find jobs in maintenance and get better pay than labor work. c) how to start business in food industry. Our answer is Networking. Be a part of team. Together we can realize our dreams.

18)    CCAFIP is working with industry sponsors on Chinese Market research for North America Food companies and Canadian Market research for Chinese food Companies. If interested, please send us a note at ccafip[ta]yahoo.ca.

" Career Access to Canadian Food Industry " held on January 22 was very successful. Over 50 members attended despite exceptional winter storm. Career Access to Canadian Food Industry. More >>

Dr Lihu Yao visited China to discuss collaboration on HACCP training with China food industry.

Di Wang, Jian Liu and John Shi were invited to attend The "The Moon Festival Party held by Sino-Cann Entrepreneurs Association" on Sept 26, 2004. CCAFIP had a Table to display our Association in the Party.


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