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招商引资内容及投资项目规模:项目拟用建筑面积20000平米。引进以研发中试石墨烯电子显示屏产品为主,并逐步将该产品市场化的项目。投资项目估算及投资资金来源:预计投资项目总额:20000万美元,资金自筹。投资项目市场分析:2015 11 20 日发改委、工信部和科技部三部门联合发布的《关于加快石墨烯产业创新发展的若干意见》,明确提出将石墨烯打造为先导产业。同年国务院发布《中国制造2025》,明确了石墨烯在战略前沿材料中的关键地位,强调其战略布局和研制,为提升中国制造水平积蓄力量。投资项目效益分析:年产值约30000万美元,年纳税约3000万美元。招商引资建设条件:大厂数字科技产业园一期规划用地1300亩,起步区522亩。起步区315地块,总建筑面积44万平米,投资项目总额:25亿元。项目招商机构:大厂回族自治县建设投资开发有限公司 招商引资合作方式:独资投资机构联系方式 招商引资联系人:许士岩招商引资电话:1509760***


Graphene electronic display screen research and production project .Contents and scale of the projectthe area of the project will be 20000 square meters. The introduction of R & D graphene electronic display products is the main product and gradually marketed the product .Investment estimate and source of fundsthe total investment is estimated to be 200 million US dollars, and the funds will be raised by ourselves .Market analysisin November 20, 2015, the three departments of the development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of technology and the Ministry of science and the Ministry of science and technology jointly issued a number of opinions on accelerating the innovation and development of the graphene industry, and made clear that the graphene is made as the leading industry. In the same year, the State Council issued "China made 2025", which made clear the key position of graphene in the strategic frontier materials, emphasized its strategic layout and development, in order to improve the level of China's manufacturing level .Economic benefit analysisthe annual output value is about 300 million dollars, and the annual tax is about 30 million dollars .Construction conditionsthe Dachang digital science and Technology Industrial Park has招商引资电话:1300 acres of land for the first phase, and 522 mu for the initial area. The starting area is 315 plots, with a total construction area of 440 thousand square meters, with a total investment of 2 billion 500 million yuan .A survey of Chinese contractorsDachang Hui Autonomous County construction investment and Development Co., Ltd .Model of cooperationsole proprietorship

Contact and contactXu Shiyan 1509760***





招商引资内容:位于河北廊坊广阳经济开发区内,建立新材料领域科学实验室,后期可申请国家实验室及国家科研项目。投资项目估算与投资资金来源:项目需要启动资金800万美元。投资项目市场分析:本实验室研究方向主要为新材料领域,按照国务院关于加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业的总体部署,根据《新材料产业标准化工作三年行动计划》,建立完善新材料产业标准体系,促进新材料产业发展。投资项目效益分析:项目建成后,承接国家科研项目,主要研究如C919等大型飞机机身材料,研发中试后,将具备产业化条件,为打造新材料产业集群的创新核心。招商引资建设条件:廊坊广阳经济开发区位于廊坊市区东南隅,北接廊坊开发区,南至富士康工业园,西起廊坊市区,东临天津界,京沪高铁廊坊货运场。形成了依托中心城市和空港、海港发展经济的独特区位优势。投资项目环境:廊坊广阳经济开发区位于廊坊是主城区东南部,规划面积28平方公里,纳入本轮廊坊市城市总体规划和土地利用总体规划,是目前京津冀腹地仅留成片工业用地。开发区现有两纵五横七条主干道,总长15公里,具备“九通一平”的建设条件。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作、独资 招商引资联系人:周长荣项目招商机构:河北廊坊广阳经济开发区招商部 招商引资地址:廊坊市东大外环路中段招商引资电话:1863067*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-283*** E-maillfgica**[ta]**com 招商引资网址:www.**gica.cn


New Materials National Laboratory Project

Project contentLocated in the guangyang economic development zone of langfang, hebei province, a scientific laboratory for new materials is established, and the national laboratory and national scientific research projects can be applied later .Investment Estimation and Funding SourcesThe project needs to start capital of RMB 50 million .Market AnalysisThe laboratory research direction is mainly for new material field, under the state council about accelerate the overall deployment of cultivating and developing strategic emerging industries, according to the new material industry standardization work action plan for three years, set up perfect standard system of new material industry, promote the development of new material industry .Economic Effectiveness AnalysisAfter the completion of the project to undertake national scientific research project, the main research such as the C919 large aircraft fuselage materials, such as research and development of pilot, will meet industrialization conditions, to create new material industry cluster innovation is the core .Construction ConditionGuangyang Economic Development Zone of Langfang lies in the southeast corner of Langfang. It is bounded on the north by Langfang Economic Development Zone, on the south by Foxconn Industrial Park, on the west by the downtown area of Langfang and on the east by the boundary of Tianjin and the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Rail Freight Yard of Langfang. A unique location advantage depending on the central city, airports and seaports to develop the economy is formed .Investment EnvironmentThe Guangyang Economic Development Zone of Langfang lies in the southeast of Langfang's main urban area with the planning area being 28 square kilometers. It is included in the present round of overall urban planning and overall planning for land utilization in Langfang, and this area is the only remaining piece of industrial land in the back-land of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region currently. The development zone has seven main roads at present, five of which are latitudinal and the other two are longitudinal. The roads have a total length of ilometers which meets the construction conditions of "nine connections and one leveling" .Cooperative FormsJoint capital, collaboration and sole proprietorship

Contact PersonsZhou chang rong

Company NameInvestment Promotion Department of Guangyang Economic Development Zone, Langfang, Hebei Contact AddressMidpiece, East Ring Road, Langfang

Contact Number1863067*** Fax0316-283*** E-maillfgica**[ta]**com Websitewww.lfgica.cn



招商引资内容及投资项目规模:项目拟用建筑面积18000平米。引进突破大规模、低成本、高质量、多尺度为特征的石墨烯制备技术,发展石墨烯高精尖应用技术及下游产品开发应用领域的项目。投资项目估算及投资资金来源:预计投资项目总额:15000万美元,资金自筹。投资项目市场分析:2015 11 20 日发改委、工信部和科技部三部门联合发布的《关于加快石墨烯产业创新发展的若干意见》,明确提出将石墨烯打造为先导产业。同年国务院发布《中国制造2025》,明确了石墨烯在战略前沿材料中的关键地位,强调其战略布局和研制,为提升中国制造水平积蓄力量。投资项目效益分析:年产值约20000万美元,年纳税约2000万美元。招商引资建设条件:大厂数字科技产业园一期规划用地1300亩,起步区522亩。起步区315地块,总建筑面积44万平米,投资项目总额:25亿元。项目招商机构:大厂回族自治县建设投资开发有限公司 招商引资合作方式:独资投资机构联系方式 招商引资联系人:许士岩招商引资电话:1509760***


The development and production project of graphene

Contents and scale of the projectthe area of the project will be招商引资电话:18000 square meters. The introduction of large scale, low cost, high quality, multi scale as the characteristics of the preparation of graphene technology, the development of high precision graphene application technology and downstream product development and application projects .Investment estimate and source of fundsthe total investment is estimated to beillion US dollars, and the funds will be raised by ourselves .Market analysisin November 20, 2015, the three departments of the development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of technology and the Ministry of science and the Ministry of science and technology jointly issued a number of opinions on accelerating the innovation and development of the graphene industry, and made clear that the graphene is made as the leading industry. In the same year, the State Council issued "China made 2025", which made clear the key position of graphene in the strategic frontier materials, emphasized its strategic layout and development, in order to improve the level of China's manufacturing level .Economic benefit analysisthe annual output value is about 200 million dollars, and the annual tax is about 20 million dollars .Construction conditionsthe Dachang digital science and Technology Industrial Park has招商引资电话:1300 acres of land for the first phase, and 522 mu for the initial area. The starting area is 315 plots, with a total construction area of 440 thousand square meters, with a total investment of 2 billion 500 million yuan .A survey of Chinese contractorsDachang Hui Autonomous County construction investment and Development Co., Ltd .Model of cooperationsole proprietorship

Contact and contactXu Shiyan招商引资电话:1509760***



招商引资内容及投资项目规模:项目租赁厂房102390平方米,购置主要生产设备20台(套)。年产38万米石墨烯远红外线负氧离子发热布。投资项目估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额2000万美元,拟利用外资1000万美元。投资项目市场分析:产品广泛应用于服装、节能性建筑以及其它建筑业和航空工业,市场前景广阔。投资项目效益分析:年正常销售收入1500万美元,利润450万美元,上缴税金80万美元,可吸纳就业人数45人。招商引资建设条件:项目拟建区域基础设施完善,交通便利。项目招商机构:三河市华隆豪立泰新材料科技有限公司。 法人代表:吴杰。招商引资合作方式:合作。投资机构联系方式 招商引资联系人:贾磊 招商引资电话/传真:0086-316-331*** 招商引资地址:北京东燕郊开发区行宫东大街1 招商引资邮编:10*** 招商引资邮箱:vrabbit**[ta]**jiao.gov.cn


The project of manufacturing 38 million meter graphene far-infrared negative oxygen ion textile per year

Project ContentThe project rents102390 square metes factory building and purchase 20 sets of main production facilities. The project manufactures 38 million meter graphene far-infrared negative oxygen ion textile per year .Investment Estimation$20 million. It proposes to utilize $10 million of foreign capital .Market AnalysisThe products are widely applied to many industries, such as textiles and clothing, energy-efficient buildings and aviation industry and have broad market prospects .Benefit AnalysisExpected annual sales revenue will be $15 million. The profit and taxes are estimated to be $45 million and $800,000 It is expected to creat about 45 jobs .Construction ConditionsWith flat land and convenient transportation, the region has good infrastructure .General Description of Chinese SponsorSanhe Hua Long Hao Li Tai New Material Technology Co., Ltd. Legal representativeWu Jie .Cooperative FormCooperation .Contact WayContact PersonJia Lei. Tel0086-316-331*** Fax0086-316- 331*** Address1 Xinggong East Street,Yanjiao, East of Beijing, China

Post Code10*** E-mailvrabbit**[ta]**jiao.gov.cn



招商引资内容及投资项目规模:非牛顿流体弹道保护,用在柔性材料、防弹背心、头盔、减速带、汽车上等。拥有发明专利。占地面积15亩,总建筑面积为8000平方米 .投资项目估算及投资资金来源:1000万美元,公司自筹投资项目市场分析:在柔性材料、防弹背心、头盔、减速带、废水处理、石油加工、发酵、聚合物脱挥、有机合成、沸腾、塑料泡沫加工以及环境保护等方面扮演着重要的作用,属于高精尖行业市场潜力巨大。投资项目效益分析:2018年产值约3000万元,税收600万,2019年产值5000万元,税收1000 招商引资建设条件:安次经济开发区的区位优势得天独厚。距离北京40公里、距离天津60公里、距离首都第二国际机场(二机场现已动工,2018年底开通)仅仅15公里、距离首都机场60公里、距天津国际机场70公里、距天津新港80公里,完全达到“一小时最优工业区”的国际标准。项目招商机构:廊坊市龙茂华园区建设投资有限公司是中国PPP模式的先行者。投资项目总额:18亿元,主要负责开发区的招商引资、土地指标的申请、基础设施建设、协助企业办理手续,协助政府相关部门办理有关土地供应等工作,为入区企业提供一站式服务。招商引资合作方式:转让授权或融资入股合作投资机构联系方式 招商引资联系人:孙瑞1573328***


Czech Nano Protection Technology Project

Project content and scalenon-Newtonian fluid trajectory protection technology, which is used in flexible materials, bulletproof vests, helmets, speed bumps, cars, etc. With patent for invention. It covers an area of 15 mu (10,000m), and the total construction area is 8,000m .Investment estimation and source of funds10 million USD, which is raised by the company itself .Market analysisit plays an important role in flexible materials, bulletproof vests, helmets, speed bumps, wastewater treatment, petroleum processing, fermentation, polymer devolatilization, organic synthesis, boiling, plastic foam processing, and environmental protection, with huge potentials in high-grade high-precision advanced market .Economic benefitsit is estimated that, in 2018, the output value will be about RMB 30 million Yuan, the revenue will be RMB six million Yuan; in 2019, the output value will be RMB 50 million Yuan, and the revenue will be RMB10 million Yuan .Construction conditionswith the unique regional advantages, Anci Economic Development Zone is 40km from Beijing, 60km from Tianjin,招商引资电话:15km from Beijing Second International Airport (which is under construction and will be put into use by the end of 2018), 60km from Beijing Capital International Airport, 70km from Tianjin International Airport, and 80km from Tianjin New Port, fully meeting the international standard of “Optimal Industrial Zone”-accessible with one-hour drive .Overview of the Chinese undertakerLangfang Longmaohua Park Construction & Investment Co., Ltd. is the pioneer of PPP model in China. With a total investment of RMB招商引资电话:18 billion Yuan, the company is mainly responsible for investment promotion, application of land indicators, infrastructure construction, assisting enterprises to complete formalities, and assisting relevant government departments in handling land supply to provide one-stop services for enterprises in the development zone .Cooperation modetransferring authorization or financing and shareholding .Contact informationSun Rui招商引资电话:1573328***



招商引资内容及投资项目规模:项目总占地240亩,主要建设导线复合车间、生产车间、成品库房、研发中心等。投资项目估算及投资资金来源:项目估算投资项目总额:135亿元。资金全部由企业自筹。投资项目市场分析:碳纤维复合芯导线是一种新型架空输电线路用导线,重量轻、耐拉仲、热稳定性好、弛度小、单位面积通流能力强、抗腐蚀,适合公司驻地滨海、矿山地区腐蚀强度大、污秽强度高、导线易舞动的环境使用,具有良好应用前景。投资项目效益分析:项目建成后,预计正常年销售收入15亿元,上缴税收1667万元,带动就业300人。招商引资建设条件:目前该区域路网、热力站、给水厂、污水处理厂、雨污水泵站、变电站、燃气、通讯、创业服务中心等配套设施工程已陆续建成投入使用,具备大型项目综合吸附和承载能力。项目招商机构:河北廊坊高新技术产业开发区。园区总规划面积73平方公里,以新兴产业聚集、高新技术产业孵化和低碳经济引领为功能定位,以发展电子信息、高端装备制造、新材料、节能环保为主导产业发展方向,是承接京津高端产业转移的首选区域。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作投资机构联系方式 招商引资联系人:田蕾招商引资电话:0086-316-866*** 招商引资传真:03086-16-866*** 招商引资地址:河北廊坊高新技术产业开发区管理委员会 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:zhaoshanghezuoju**[ta]**com


Production of Wire with Carbon Fiber Composite Core

Project content and scaleit covers an area of 240 mu (160,000m) and the construction content mainly includes construct wire compound workshop, production workshop, finished warehouse, R&D center, etc .Investment estimation and sources of fundsRMB招商引资电话:135 million Yuan, which is raised by the company itself .Market analysiswire with carbon fiber composite core is newly invented for overhead transmission lines. Featured by light weight, resistance to pull, good thermal stability, low sag, high flow capacity per unit area, and corrosion resistance, it is suitable for companies located in the coastal, mining areas with high corrosion intensity, high contamination intensity, and easy movement of the wire. This type of wire has good application prospects .Economic benefitsit is estimated that, after the project is completed, the annual sales revenue will be RMB

illion Yuan, the tax payable will be RMB1667 million Yuan, and 300 employment positions will be available .Construction conditionsat present, supporting facilities such as the road network, thermal power station, water supply plant, sewage treatment plant, rain sewage pumping station, substation, gas, communication, and startup service center in the region have been completed and put into use, so the region has had comprehensive adsorption and bearing abilities of large projects .Overview of the Chinese undertakerHebei Langfang Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone has a total planning area of 73km. Targeted at gathering emerging industries, incubating Hi-Tech industry, and leading low-carbon economy, the park develops leading industrial directions including electronic information, high-end equipment manufacturing, new materials, and energy conservation and environmental protection. It is the preferred area for high-end industry transfer in Beijing and Tianjin .Cooperation modejoint venture and cooperation

Contact informationContact personTian Lei Tel.0086-316-866*** Fax0086-316-866***

Mailing AddressAdministrative Committee of Hebei Langfang Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone Zip code06*** Emalzhaoshanghezuoju**[ta]**com



招商引资内容及投资项目规模:项目总占地200亩,主要建设生产车间、辅助车间、产品仓库、检测中心、综合楼等。投资项目估算及投资资金来源:项目估算投资项目总额:1800万美元。资金全部由企业自筹。投资项目市场分析:项目主要生产钓鱼竿、自行车、球拍等民用碳纤维制品,以碳纤维预浸布为原材料,通过不同工艺,加工成各种材料制品,具有强度大,硬度高等特性。投资项目效益分析:项目建成后,预计正常年销售收入13亿元,上缴税收1400万元,带动就业230人。招商引资建设条件:目前该区域路网、热力站、给水厂、污水处理厂、雨污水泵站、变电站、燃气、通讯、创业服务中心等配套设施工程已陆续建成投入使用,具备大型项目综合吸附和承载能力。项目招商机构:河北廊坊高新技术产业开发区。园区总规划面积73平方公里,以新兴产业聚集、高新技术产业孵化和低碳经济引领为功能定位,以发展电子信息、高端装备制造、新材料、节能环保为主导产业发展方向,是承接京津高端产业转移的首选区域。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作投资机构联系方式 招商引资联系人:田蕾招商引资电话:0086-316-866*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-866*** 招商引资地址:河北廊坊高新技术产业开发区管理委员会 招商引资邮编:06*** 招商引资邮箱:zhaoshanghezuoju**[ta]**com


Civilian Carbon Fiber Products

Project content and scaleit covers an area of 200 mu (133,000m) and the construction content includes production workshop, auxiliary workshop, product warehouse, testing center, comprehensive building, etc .Investment estimation and sources of fundsRMB110 million Yuan, which is all raised by the company itself .Market analysisit mainly produces civilian carbon fiber products such as fishing rods, bicycles, and rackets. It uses carbon fiber prepreg cloth as raw material to produce various material products through different technologies, which are characterized by high strength and high hardness .Economic benefitsit is estimated that, after the project is completed, the annual sales revenue will be RMB招商引资电话:130 million Yuan, the tax payable will be RMB14 million Yuan, and 230 employment positions will be available .Construction conditionsat present, supporting facilities such as the road network, thermal power station, water supply plant, sewage treatment plant, rain sewage pumping station, substation, gas, communication, and startup service center in the region have been completed and put into use, so the region has had comprehensive adsorption and bearing abilities of large projects .Overview of the Chinese undertakerHebei Langfang Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone has a total planning area of 73km. Targeted at gathering emerging industries, incubating Hi-Tech industry, and leading low-carbon economy, the park develops leading industrial directions including electronic information, high-end equipment manufacturing, new materials, and energy conservation and environmental protection. It is the preferred area for high-end industry transfer in Beijing and Tianjin .Cooperation modejoint venture and cooperation

Contact informationContact personTian Lei Tel.0086-316-866*** Fax0086-316-866***

Mailing AddressAdministrative Committee of Hebei Langfang Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone Zip code06*** Emalzhaoshanghezuoju**[ta]**com



招商引资内容及投资项目规模:以水为溶剂,离子液体为分散剂,碳纳米管为导电物质,开发环境友好、工艺简洁、高效、价廉的新型离子液体碳纳米导电液、导电纤维及产品,形成了系列知识产权,建成千吨级工业示范。投资项目估算及投资资金来源:约1500万美元,通过企业合作或技术转让获得。投资项目市场分析:据统计,至2015,中国对导电纤维的需求量将达到16万吨/年,随着国内外导电类纤维的市场需求不断增加,其未来的需求量必将急剧增加。投资项目效益分析:以年产1000吨导电纤维计算,年收益约3亿/年,年利润约15-2亿元。招商引资建设条件:需厂房和设备投入。项目招商机构:中科廊坊过程工程研究院、中国科学院过程工程研究所廊坊分部。招商引资合作方式:技术转让或技术许可。投资机构联系方式 招商引资联系人:聂毅招商引资邮箱:ynie**[ta]**.ac.cn 招商引资电话:0086-10-8254***


New Technology for Conductive Fiber Preparation

Content and Scale of ProjectWith water as solvent, ionic liquid as dispersing agent and carbon nanotube as conductive material, new types of ionic liquid carbon nanoconductive liquid, conductive fiber and products with environmental friendliness, simple process, high efficiency and low cost have been developed, forming a series of intellectual property rights and building an industrial demonstration of thousands to***

Investment Estimation and Sources of FundsThe investment is about15 million dollars obtained through business cooperation or technology transfer .Market AnalysisAccording to statistics, the demand for conductive fibers in China has reached16,000 tons per year by 2015 With the increasing market demand for conductive fibers at home and abroad, the demand for conductive fibers will increase rapidly in the future .Economic Benefit AnalysisIf the annual output of conductive fiber is1000 tons, the annual revenue will be about 300 million yuan/ year, with an annual profit of about 015-02 billion yuan .Conditions for ConstructionInvestment in plant and equipment is required .About OrganizerThe project is organized by LangFang Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute of Process Engineering of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Langfang Branch .Mode of CooperationTechnology transfer or technical permission .ContactNie Yi, ynie**[ta]**.ac.cn, Tel.0086-10-8254***



招商引资内容及投资项目规模:开发连续稳定的高密度高品质高镍三元前驱体制备技术、高效低成本高镍三元材料烧成技术和高镍三元材料表面残碱降低技术,解决了工艺放大过程中的工艺、工程及装备问题等技术,形成了全流程化闭环生产全套工艺技术。项目占地20000平米,总产能10000/年。投资项目总额:5000万美元。投资项目市场分析:2017年三元材料销量86万吨,同比增加584%,产值173亿元,同比增长1163%,产值最高,市场前景广阔。投资项目效益分析:项目总设计产能10000/年,利润50000万元。招商引资建设条件:项目占地面积20000平米。项目招商机构:中科廊坊过程工程研究院、中国科学院过程工程研究所。招商引资合作方式:技术转让、合作开发等多种方式。投资机构联系方式 招商引资联系人:谭强强研究员 招商引资电话:0086-10-62529***招商引资邮箱:qtan**[ta]**.ac.cn


Industrialization of High-Nickel Ternary Cathode Materials Used for High-Energy Density Power Lithium Battery

Content and Scale of ProjectThe development of a continuously stable high-density, high-quality, high-nickel ternary precursor preparation technology, high-efficient, low-cost high-nickel ternary material firing technology and high-nickel ternary materials surface residual alkali reduction technology has solved the the craft, engineering and equipment problems in amplification process and, forming a full set of process technology of full-process closed-loop production. The project covers an area of 20,000 m, with a total productive capacity of10,000 tons per year .Investment Estimation and Sources of FundsThe total investment is 50 million U.S. dollars .Market AnalysisIn 2017, the sales volume of ternary materials has reached 86,000 tons, with a year-on-year growth of 584%; the output value has reached173 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of1163%. The output value of ternary materials ranks the first and the market prospect for ternary materials will be brilliant .Economic Benefit AnalysisThe total designed production capacity for project is10,000 tons per year and the profit is 500 million yuan .Conditions for ConstructionThe project covers an area of 20,000 m .About Chinese OrganizerThe project is organized by LangFang Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute of Process Engineering of Chinese Academy of Sciences .Cooperation MethodsTechnology Transfer, Cooperative Development, etc .ContactResearcher Tan Qiangqiang (Researcher), Tel.0086-10-62529*** E-mailqtan**[ta]**.ac.cn .


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