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年产26亿只易拉罐、5亿只奶粉罐项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:项目拟占地1333公顷,总建筑面积75万平方米,用于建设厂房、库房、办公楼及其它附属设施,购置主要设备68()。项目建成后,正常年产26亿只易拉罐、5亿只奶粉罐的生产能力。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额2亿美元,拟利用外资4000万美元。项目投资市场分析:产品包括易拉罐、奶粉罐等金属容器,目前国内市场金属容器供不应求,市场前景广阔。投资项目效益分析:项目建成后,正常年产易拉罐26亿只、奶粉罐5亿只,销售收入71亿美元,利润总额9300万美元。招商引资建设条件:项目位于河北省大城县现代制造业工业园,交通十分便利。项目招商机构:廊坊中包首发包装有限公司 招商机构简介:公司成立于2013年,是一家生产销售金属包装制品的企业,生产销售:奶粉罐、易拉罐等。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作 招商引资联系人:邱枫招商引资电话:1893164*** 招商引资地址:大城县现代制造业工业园 招商引资邮箱:dcxdy**[ta]**com


26 billion annual output of 26 billion cans, milk cans project

Project ContentThe project covers an area of 1333 hectares, with a total construction area of 75000 square meters, for the construction of factory building, warehouse, office and other ancillary facilities, the purchase of main equipment 68 units (sets). After the completion of the project, the normal 26 billion annual output of 26 billion cans, cans of milk powder production capacity .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe project total investment of $200 million, plans to use of foreign capital of $40 million .Market AnalysisThe products including cans, milk cans and other metal containers, metal containers are in short supply in the domestic market at present, the market prospect .Construction ConditionsThe project is completed, the normal annual capacity of 26 billion only 26 billion cans, milk cans, the sales revenue of $710 million, $93 million profit .Benefit AnalysisThe project is located in modern manufacturing industry park, the traffic is very convenient .Company profileThe company was founded in 2013, is a production and sales of metal packaging products, production and salesmilk powder cans, cans, etc. .Cooperation modejoint venture and cooperation ContactPersonQiu Feng Tel.:1893164***

Postal addressDacheng County modern manufacturing industrial park Post Code06*** E-maildcxdy**[ta]**com


年产100万件精密零部件项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:项目拟占地2公顷,总建筑面积17万平方米,主要建设生产车间、库房、办公楼及其他附属用房,购置主要设备132()。项目投产后,正常年产各种精密零部件100万件。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额1亿美元,拟利用外资4000万美元。项目投资市场分析:机械制造业正在以迅猛的发展步伐向精密加工、超精密加工发展,随着着精密机械和电子技术的发展,对精密零部件的需求日益迫切,精密零部件具有产品技术含量高、加工装备精良的优点,具有良好的市场前景。投资项目效益及市场预测分析:项目建成后,正常年产精密零部件100万件,销售收入1亿美元,利润总额3000万美元。招商引资建设条件:项目地址位于大城县现代制造业工业园,地理位置优越,交通便利,园区已经完成了供水、排水、电力、通信、燃气、热力等综合管网的铺设,是项目建设理想厂址。招商机构概况:河北源米科技发展有限公司位于河北省廊坊市大城县现代制造业工业园,拥有最好的产品和专业的销售和技术团队,为客户提供最好的产品、良好的技术支持、健全的售后服务。主要经营加工销售:仪器配件;研制、开发金属配件精密加工技术;金属模具及医疗器械。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作 招商引资联系人:李锡泰招商引资电话:1355228*** 招商引资地址:大城县现代制造业工业园 招商引资邮箱:dcxdy**[ta]**com


Annual output of1 million pieces of precision parts

Project ContentThe project covers an area of 2 hectares, with a total construction area of17000 square meters, the main construction of the production workshop, warehouse, office buildings and other accessory occupancy, the purchase of main equipment招商引资电话:132 units (sets). After the project put into production, the normal annual output of1 million pieces of all kinds of precision parts .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe project total investment of $100 million, plans to use of foreign capital of $40 million .Market AnalysisThe mechanical manufacturing industry is growing at a furious pace to the development of precision and ultra precision machining, with the development of precision machinery and electronic technology, the increasingly urgent demand for precision parts, the processing well-equipped, with good market prospects .Construction ConditionsThe project is completed, the normal annual output of1 million pieces of precision parts, sales revenue of $100 million, $30 million profit .Benefit AnalysisThe project is located in modern manufacturing industrial park, the geographical position is superior, the transportation is convenient, the park has completed the water supply, drainage, electricity, communications, gas, heat, such as composite pipe laying, is ideal in project construction site .Company profileSource of rice science and technology development co., modern manufacturing have the best products and professional sales and technical team, to provide the best products and good technical support and perfect after-sales service. Mainly engaged in processing and salesthe instrument accessories; The metal mold and medical equipment .Cooperation modejoint venture and cooperation ContactPersonLi Xitai Tel.:1355 228***

Postal AddressDacheng County modern manufacturing industrial park Post Code06*** E-maildcxdy**[ta]**com


年产1万吨环保型吸音隔热内饰件项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:项目拟占地333公顷,总建筑面积2万平方米,主要建设厂房、库房、办公用房及其他附属用房,购置主要设备7()。项目投产后,正常年产1万吨环保型吸音隔热内饰件。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额12亿美元,拟利用外资5000万美元。项目投资市场分析:随着社会经济水平的不断提高以及消费者健康、安全意识的增强,人们在追求汽车外形和动力的同时,越来越关注汽车内饰的功能和美感,汽车年产量的逐渐增多使得环保型吸音隔热内饰件有良好的市场前景。投资项目效益及市场预测分析:项目建成后,正常年产吸音隔热内饰件1万吨,销售收入11亿美元,利润总额3000万美元。招商引资建设条件:项目地址位于大城县现代制造业工业园,地理位置优越,交通便利,园区已经完成了供水、排水、电力、通信、燃气、热力等综合管网的铺设,是项目建设理想厂址。招商机构概况:大城县金鹏汽车内饰件有限公司位于河北省廊坊市大城县,公司始建于1993年,是一家新兴民营科技企业。公司主要生产汽车冲压件、内饰件。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作 招商引资联系人:李寿启招商引资电话:1503062*** 招商引资地址:大城县现代制造业工业园 招商引资邮箱:dcxdy**[ta]**com


Annual output of10000 tons of environmentally friendly sound-absorbing insulation inner decoration project

Project ContentThe project covers an area of 333 hectares, with a total construction area of 20000 square meters, the main construction workshop, warehouse, office space and other accessory occupancy, purchase of 7 main equipment (sets). After the project put into production, annual output of10000 tons of normal and environmentally friendly sound-absorbing insulation inner decoration .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe project total investment of $120 million, plans to use of foreign capital of $50 million .Market AnalysisWith the constant improvement of the social economy level of awareness of health, safety and consumer, people in the pursuit of the car power shape and at the same time, pay more and more attention to the function and aesthetic feeling of automobile interior trim, the produce an increased gradually and environmentally friendly sound-absorbing insulation inner decoration has the good market prospect .Construction ConditionsThe project is completed, the normal annual capacity of10000 tons of sound-absorbing insulation inner decoration, sales revenue of $110 million, the total profits of $30 million .Benefit AnalysisThe project is located in modern manufacturing industrial park, the park has completed the water supply, drainage, electricity, communications, gas, heat, such as composite pipe laying, is ideal in project construction site .Company profileCompany was founded in1993, is an emerging private technology enterprises. The company mainly produces automotive stamping parts, inner decoration .Cooperation modeJoint venture and cooperation ContactPersonLi Shouqi Tel.:1503 062***

 AddressDacheng county modern manufacturing industrial park Post Code06*** E-maildcxdy**[ta]**com


年产20000()C波段板状天线项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:项目占地40亩,建筑面积15万平方米,主要建设厂房、库房、办公楼及其他附属设施,购置主要设备30(),项目投产后,正常年产20000()C波段板状天线。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额1000万美元,拟利用外资860万美元。项目投资市场分析:该公司是一家专业从事卫星天线产品研发、生产、销售为一体的科技密 集型企业,产品广泛用于卫星通信器材,具有很大的市场空间和发展潜力。投资项目效益分析:预计正常年销售收入2000万美元,可实现利润500万美元。招商引资建设条件:项目位于河北省廊坊市大城县北魏乡,地理位置优越,交通便利,是项目建设理想厂址。招商机构概况:廊坊兴泰隆有限公司,主营通信器材、铁板等,公司秉承“开发进取,奋发向上”的经营理念,始终如一执行“用户是上帝”的准则为众多客户提供高质量产品和优质服务。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作 招商引资联系人:叶宝珠招商引资电话:1370036*** 招商引资地址:大城县北魏乡北魏村 招商引资邮箱:hbxtl**[ta]**com


Annual output of 20000 pieces (sets) C band

planar antenna project

Project ContentThe project covers an area of 40 mu, building area of 15000 square meters, the construction of main factory building, warehouse, office buildings and other ancillary facilities, major equipment purchase 30 Taiwan (sets), after the project put into production, the normal annual output of 20000 pieces (sets) C band planar antenna .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe project total investment of $10 million, a proposed $86 million .Market AnalysisThe company is a professional engaged in satellite antenna products research and development, production, sales for the integration of science and technology set type enterprise, the products are widely used in satellite communications equipment, has a large market space and development potenti***

Construction ConditionsThe normal annual sales revenue of $20 million, is expected to achieve profits of $5 million .Benefit AnalysisThe project is located in Lang fang city, township northern Wei dynasty, the geographical position is superior, the transportation is convenient, is the ideal project construction site .Company profileLang fang Tyrone co., LTD., the main communications equipment, plate, etc., the company adhering to the "development enterprising, strive forward" business philosophy, and always implement the "user is god" criteria for many customers to provide high quality products and quality services .Cooperation PatternJoint venture and cooperation ContactPersonYe Baozhu Tel.:1370 036***

Mailing AddressDacheng County rural village of northern Wei dynasty northern Wei Post Code065*** E-mailhbxtl**[ta]**com


大城县富迪食品生产项目招商引资项目内容和估摸:利用现有场地及基础设施,拟新上食品生产工艺和生产线8条等。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额1500万美元,拟利用外资1500万美元。项目投资市场分析:食品行业是我县的六大主导行业,起始于二十世纪七十年代,园区现有食品企业24家,有一定的市场知名度,对外辐射能力强,发展前景广阔。投资项目效益分析:项目建成后预计正常年销售收入1300万元,实现利税150万元,吸纳就业200人。招商引资建设条件:公司坐落于河北省廊坊市大城县八方食品工业区,路网已建成,紧邻津保路,距县城45公里。招商机构概况:公司现有建筑面积20000平方米,其中,厂房10000平方米,库房4000平方米,综合楼一栋,建筑面积5000平方米,其他附属设施1000平方米。招商引资合作方式:合资、合作 招商引资联系人:张文华招商引资电话:1317183*** 招商引资地址:大城县平舒镇八方村 招商引资邮箱:pszaiying**[ta]**com


Following food production project

Project ContentBuild a invite to partner, 8 introduces the food production process and production lines, etc .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceProject total investment is15 million dollars to utilization of foreign capital of $15 million .Market AnalysisThe food industry is our county's six leading industries, began in the1970 s, the existing 24 food enterprises, has certain market popularity, external radiation ability, development prospect .Construction ConditionsAfter the completion of the project is expected to normal annual sales income13 million Yuan, realize profit tax of 15 million Yuan, absorb the employment of 200 people .Benefit AnalysisThe company is located in Lang fang city, food industrial zone and road network has been built, 45 kilometers away from the county .Company profileThe company's existing building area of 20000 square meters, the workshop10000 square meters, warehouse area of 4000 square meters, building a house, a building area of 5000 square meters, the other ancillary facilities of1000 square meters .Cooperation PatternJoint venture and cooperation ContactPersonZhang Wenhua Tel183***

Mailing AddressDacheng county shu ping town eight side village Post Code06*** E-mailpszaiying**[ta]**com






电话/传真:0086-316-331*** 招商引资地址:北京东燕郊开发区行宫东大街1 招商引资邮编:10*** 招商引资邮箱:vrabbit**[ta]**jiao.gov.cn


The project of automobile and engineering machinery parts production

Project ContentThe project plans to cover an area of 50 mu. It mainly produces high-voltage load switch, high-voltage circuit breaker, vacuum looped network and auto parts .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe total investment is $33 million. It proposes to utilize $10 million of foreign capital .Market Analysishigh-voltage load switch, high-voltage circuit breaker and vacuum looped network have been widely used in the industry of automobile manufacturing and aviation and aerospace . Therefore, the market prospect is capacious .Benefit AnalysisAfter completion and production, the project is expected to achieve an annual output of $100 million. The profit and taxes are estimated to be $2667 million and $13

Construction ConditionsWith flat land and convenient transportation, the region has good infrastructure .General Description of Chinese SponsorSanhe Vee Electric Equipment Co., Ltd. Legal representativeMa Guixia .Cooperative FormJoint venture or cooperation. ContactPersonJia Lei. Tel0086-316-331*** Fax0086-316- 331*** Address1 Xinggong East Street,Yanjiao, East of Beijing, China Post Code10*** E-mailvrabbit**[ta]**jiao.gov.cn


形变热处理机械设备零部件项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:项目占地90(6公顷)。总建筑面积49900平方米,主要建设原料库、成品库、模具车间、备用车间、热处理车间、锻件车间、机加工车间、办公楼、综合楼等。生产能力达到年产10000吨形变热处理机械设备零部件,产品包括传动机构、减速机等设备的轴、齿及轴承类传动件,冶金机械所需的大型轧辊及核电领域的特种功能部件和结构部件。主要装置和工艺技术:800KN开式可倾压力机、锻压锤、天然气锻造加热炉、可控多氛多用炉、立式数控车床、切割机等、感应加热流水线等。工艺技术是锻造、热处理及机加工三部分。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额8700万美元,全部资金来源于企业自筹,拟利用外资4900万美元。投资项目效益分析:项目建成投产后,年产10000吨形变热处理机械设备零部件,正常年可实现销售收入15亿元,创利税3000万元,吸纳社会就业80人。项目投资市场分析:在世界范围内,随着数控技术的广泛应用,及新材料的不断推出,各类工业及工程技术装备得到了飞速发展,设备的大型化、数控化已是主要的发展潮流,因此带来了对机械装备金属材料性能要求的大幅提高,新的钢的牌号不断涌现,新的材料加工工艺、热处理工艺不断推出。招商引资建设条件:项目拟建于河北三河泃阳经济开发区。项目厂区地势平坦,无拆迁物,区内实现了九通一平。三河地处北京东大门,位于京津唐经济区域腹地,是河北省实施环京津战略的最前沿。泃阳开发区位于三河市区西侧,距北京天安门和首都机场均为45公里,西距北京东六环仅25公里,北距京平高速出口仅3公里。102国道、京沈第二通道、京秦铁路横跨东西,密涿高速、密三路、大秦铁路(三河段)纵贯南北,北京930路公交车直达区内,京通快速路将北京与三河紧密连接。项目招商机构:该项目由河北福昊锻压成型设备有限公司投资兴建。该公司是一家通过对工程机械设备零部件进行热处理来改变其物理化学性能以达到机械性能要求的专业化公司。主要从事风力和水力发电机组、农机设备、重型机械、船舶、轨道交通和航空航天、军事装备、大型旋转舞台等领域的国家级重点工程项目的关键零部件配套加工服务。该公司目前为中国热处理行业协会成员,并被中国热协指定为“热处理行业协会研发、培训基地”。招商引资合作方式:合资或合作。招商引资联系人:卢楠 招商引资电话:0086-316-345*** 招商引资邮箱:87825567**[ta]**com


Project of Thermomechanical Treatment Machine Equipment Part

Project Content and ScaleThe project covers an area of 90 mu (6 hectares). With a gross floor area of 49900m2, the project mainly consists of raw material warehouse, finished products warehouse, diemaking workshop, spare workshop, heat-treatment workshop, forging workshop, machining workshop, office premises and multiple-use building, etc. The annual output of thermomechanical treatment machine equipment part reaches10000 tons, and the products mainly include the gear shaft for transmission mechanism and retarder, driving parts of bearing categories, the large rollers required by metallurgical machinery and the special functional components and structural components used in nuclear power .Investment Estimation and Fund SourcesThe total investment on this project is estimated to be 87 million US dollars. All funds are raised by enterprises themselves. It proposes to utilize $49 million of foreign capital .Economic Benefit AnalysisAfter the project goes into operation, its annual output of thermomechanical treatment machine equipment part will be10000 tons. It is anticipated that the annual sales revenue of this project will be 015 billion yuan and 30 million yuan will be paid for the tax. The project will provide 80 persons with job opportunities .Market AnalysisThroughout the world, with the wide application of CNC technology and the continuous development of new materials, all kinds of industrial equipment and equipment of engineering technology have developed rapidly. Large-size equipment and numerical control equipment have became the major trend of development, thus the demand for the function of metallic materials of mechanized equipment has significant increased. The new steel grades constantly spring up and new material process techniques and technology for heating processing ahs developed continuously .Construction ConditionsThe project is planned to be built in Ju Yang Economic Development Zone in Sanhe city, Hebei Province. The factory area of the project is much smoother and there is no demolition. The area has realized "Nine Connections and One Leveling (municipal roads, rainwater, sewage, tap water, natural gas, electricity, telecommunications, heating and cable TV lines, Land Leveling)". Sanhe locates in the east to Beijing and the hinterland of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Economic Zone, in other words, it is the forefront for Hebei Province to implement the surrounding Beijing and Tianjin strategy. Juyang Development Zone is located in the west side of Sanhe City, and it is roughly 45 kilometers from Tian An Men and Beijing Capital International Airport respective***

General Description of Chinese Sponsorthe project is funded by Hebei Fu Hao Forging and Forming Equipment Co., Ltd. which is a specialized company that meets the requirement of mechanical property by changing the mechanical equipment parts' physical and chemical function through thermal treatment. The company mainly focuses on the processing services of key parts of state-level key engineering projects in the fields such as wind and hydro electric generating set, agricultural machinery, heavy machinery, ship, rail transit, aerospace, military equipment and large-scale revolving stage etc .Cooperation ModesJoint Venture or Cooperation. ContactPersonLu Nan Tel0086-316-345*** E-mail87825567**[ta]**com


空气净化设备生产项目招商引资项目建设内容和投资项目规模:空气净化设备生产。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:项目投资总额2000万美元,占地面积200亩,拟利用外资1000万美元。项目投资市场分析:该项目空气净化设备,是指能够滤除或杀灭空气污染物、有效提高空气清洁度的产品。其可以过滤空气悬浮微粒、细菌、病毒、真菌袍子、花粉、石棉等污染物,能有效改善空气质量。投资项目效益分析:项目建成达产后,预计年可实现产值3000万美元。招商引资建设条件:项目建区域基础设施完善,土地平整,交通便利。项目招商机构:三河市远通康净科技有限公司。招商引资合作方式:合资或合作。招商引资联系人:贾磊 招商引资电话:0086-316-331*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-331*** 招商引资地址:北京东燕郊高新区行宫东大街1 招商引资邮编:10*** 招商引资邮箱:jwq**[ta]**jiao.gov.cn


The project of Air purifying equipment production

Project ContentAir purifying equipment production

Investment Estimation and Fund SourceCovering an area of 200 mu, the total investment is $20 million. It proposes to utilize $10 million of foreign capital .Market AnalysisThe air purifying equipment can efficiently filter or kill air contaminants, such as air particles, bacteria, virus, fungus spores, pollen and asbestos. It helps clean the air and improve the quality of it .Benefit AnalysisAfter completion and production, the project is expected to achieve an annual output of $30 million .Construction ConditionsWith flat land and convenient transportation, the region has good infrastructure .General Description of Chinese SponsorSanhe Yuantong kangjing technology co., ltd .Cooperative FormJoint venture or cooperation. ContactWay ContactPersonJia Lei Tel0086-316-331*** Fax0086-316- 331*** Address1 Xinggong East Street,Yanjiao, East of Beijing, China Post Code10*** E-mailjwq**[ta]**jiao.gov.cn


军民融合产业项目招商引资项目内容和规模:项目拟占地1公顷。建立军民融合产业研究、生产、试验基地。产品包括导航仪器、高新材料、电子检验检测设备等。项目投资估算及投资资金来源:预计总投资1000万美元。项目投资市场分析:发展城市轻轨车得到了省、市政府的政策扶植与鼓励,建设轻轨车辆整车生产基地可以充分利用京津冀地区轨道车辆产业集群优势,尽可能做到省内配套,带动相关产业的协调发展。投资项目效益分析:项目全部投产后,每年可实现销售收入1000万美元、纳税100万美元。投资项目条件:目前大厂工业区已经规划了500亩的土地,做到了“七通一平”,建有800平米至5000平米不等的标准厂房数百套。项目招商机构:大厂回族自治县隶属河北省廊坊市,是全国距首都北京最近的少数民族自治县,西与北京通州一河之隔(潮白河)、一桥相连,距天安门行车距离42公里。大厂工业园20063月经河北省人民政府批准,升级为省级开发区。在"大北京新规划蓝图"中,大厂工业园区位于京东发展轴与东部发展带的交汇处,是规划中的现代制造业和高新技术产业基地。优越的地理位置、优惠的投资成本使大厂成为了京东最富发展潜力的成本洼地,和最具投资价值的现代化产业园区。招商引资合作方式:独资 招商引资联系人:许士言招商引资电话:1509760*** 招商引资电话:0086-10-8084*** 招商引资传真:0086-316-886*** 招商引资地址:河北省廊坊市大厂回族自治县大厂工业园区管理委员会 招商引资邮箱:6411838**[ta]**com


Civil military integration industry projects

Project contentthe project is planned to cover1 hectares. Establishment of military and civilian integration industry research, production, test base. Products include navigation equipment, high-tech materials, electronic testing equipment, etc. .Investment funds and sourcesthe total investment is estimated at $10 million. Self financing .Market analysisthe development of city light rail vehicles by the provincial and municipal government policy support and encouragement, the construction of light rail vehicle production base can make full use of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region railway vehicle industry cluster advantages, as much as possible, and supporting the province, promote the coordinated development of related industries .Economic benefit analysisafter the project is put into production, the annual sales income will be10 million USD, and the tax will be $1 million .Construction conditionsat present, the large industrial zone has planned 500 acres of land, so that the "one way and one level", built with a range of 800 square meters to 5000 square meters of standard workshop hundreds of sets .Chinese sponsorDachang Hui Autonomous County under the Hebei city of Langfang Province, is the capital city of Beijing from the nearest Minority Autonomous County, West Beijing and Tongzhou across the river (the Chaobai River), a bridge connected to the running distance of 42 km from Tiananmen. Dachang Industrial Park in 2006 3 menstrual Hebei Provincial People's Government approved, upgraded to the provincial development zone. In the "big Beijing new planning blueprint", the Dachang Industrial Park is located at the intersection of the Jingdong development axis and the Eastern Development Zone, which is the modern manufacturing and high-tech industry base in the planning. Superior geographical location, preferential investment costs so that the Jingdong has become the largest developer of the potential cost of depression, and the most investment value of modern industrial park .Mode of cooperationsole proprietorship Tel1509760*** Tel0086-10-8084*** Fax0086-316-886*** AddressDachang Industrial Park Management Committee, Dachang Hui Autonomous County, Langfang, Hebei, China E-mail6411838**[ta]**com


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