来源:网群国际    浏览:


企业名称(英文):Guangxi Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants


地址(英文): No. 189 Changgang Road, Nanning, Guangxi


展示内容/项目信息(英文):Sophora Subprostrata has the function of anti-inflammation and anti-tumor. Currently, the herbs of Sophora Subprostrata are collected from wild resource mostly. However, due to the increasing of the requirement of the herbs, the wild resource is getting drained, and leads to its price going up. So, cultivating Sophora Subprostrata is the only solution for solving this problem. But cultivating of this herb face its own constraints due to the lack of the seedlings. Our project group is contributing on the key technique research of propagation for Sophora Subprostrata, and has achieved industrialization production. We have applied two patents, while one has been approved named A tissue culture technique of rapid producing for Sophora Subprostrata and has been transferred to Huaxia Bencao Pharmceutic Company. Now this work is going well. By predicting, in 2015, the seedlings will be reached the number of 30 million, the extended area will be reached 20,000 mou, and the economic output will reach 30 million RMB. 



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