来源:网群国际    浏览:

中国复合材料工业协会CCIA):原中国玻璃钢工业协会,是由 全国复合材料生产相关企业自愿组成的具有独立法人资格的社会 团体,接受国务院国有资产监督管理委员会、民政部的业务指导 和监督管理。协会成立于1984年,拥有超过700家会员单位,集中 了本行业最具规模、实力、代表性的企业,其产量占全行业总产 量的85%,代表了我国玻璃钢/复合材料行业的整体实力水平。协 会受政府委托,协助政府制定行业发展战略规划,产业政策,法 规政策,行业标准规范,并组织实施推进。在政府和企业间发挥 桥梁和纽带作用。组织推广复合材料新工艺、新技术、新材料、 新装备。导入现代企业管理理论和实践,努力扩大复合材料消费 市场,拓展行业发展空间。


China Composites Industry Association (CCIA)CCIA is voluntary composed by companies which are related to the production of composites. Now it is administered by both Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Peoples Republic of China and SASAC (State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council). CCIA was qualified as a social organization with independent legal entity in 1984. And now it has more than 700 members, most of which are powerful large-scale enterprises, highly representative of China’s FRP/Composites industry in terms of the strength and quality level, and possessing 85% of the total production of the trade.



中国玻璃纤维工业协会CFIA):是由全国玻璃球、玻璃纤维、 玻纤制品生产企业自愿组成的具有独立法人资格的社会团体,接 受国务院国有资产监督管理委员会的业务指导和中华人民共和国 民政部社团登记管理机关的监督管理,是国内唯一的玻璃纤维行 业全国性社团组织。协会成立于1987年,现有会员单位170余家, 涵盖了大、中、小型玻璃纤维厂商、原辅材料供应商、设备供应 厂商及进出口贸易商等。其中20家大中型玻璃纤维工业企业的玻 纤纱产能、产量占到全行业的95%以上。协会坚持为国家、行业、 企业服务,积极进行行业发展战略研究,参与制定和实施行业发 展规划,为国家出台产业政策献计献策;及时调研和跟踪行业发 展动态,定期发布行业经济运行分析,指导企业进行生产和经营 活动;建立行业互动平台,增进行业内的交流互动,确保行业协 调有序发展。


China Fiberglass Industry Association(CFIA) CFIA is voluntary composed by companies which are related to the production of glass marble, fiberglass, fiberglass products. Now it is administered by both Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Peoples Republic of China and SASAC (State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council). CFIA is the only national association in fiberglass industry. CFIA was qualified as a social organization with independent legal entity in 1987. And now it has more than 170 members, including glass marble producers, fiberglass producers, fiberglass products producers, raw material suppliers, accessories suppliers, equipment suppliers, import and export traders, etc. Among the 20 large and medium-sized companies of the fiberglass industryfiberglass production capacity accounts for more than 95% of the entire industry.













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