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任务金额:180美金 我是一名美国的商标注册商。在中国寻找可以进行服装战略合作的伙伴。参与任务的用户请按照如下规则进行: 1. 我们的市场主要针对年龄在22~35岁左右的女性。 2. 用户可能是女性自由职业者,或者曾经是自由职业者,而现在是家庭妇女。 3. 设计的服装样式要求时尚,现代但不浮华。 4. 我们需要为如今的时尚者提供一条灵活、便捷的服装流水线。   参与者可以设计和提供如下商业需求: 1.      详细分析我们在中国进行服装业经营的潜在市场份额。 2.      详细分析如下三种经营方式,何种对我们进入中国市场最有利。这三种方式分别是:一、采用中国已有的商标和设计;二、采用美国已有的商标和设计;三、中美合资,如用中国现有的商标,并采用美国的设计形式。 3.      在第2条的基础上,能够提供更详尽的信息,包括成本,发展城市,战略投资地区和潜在的中间商。 4.      可以提供中间商的联系方式,职称,公司电话,传真号,手机以及网站地址。 5.      能够提供在地区和城市实行大批量生产的流水线计划及日程表。 注意: 1.参与者如能详尽地提供以上要求和信息,按照上述要求完成任务,其中标的几率就越高。 2..考虑到任务发布人为外国人,建议参与者优先采用英文描述来提交的作品。 任务原文: myTino and the buyer of this job reached the decision of increasing the reward of the task to $180  and extending the valid bidding period by another 20 days, to attract more bidders.

I am the owner of a new fashion label who is looking for contacts in the clothing manufacturing industry in China. Bidders should pay attention to the following:

1. Our target market is women between 22 to 35 years old
2. Customers are likely to be professional women or women formerly in professional jobs but who are now running households
3. The look is modern and fashionable, without being too flashy
4. We have a smart, contemporary clothing line for today's fashionista

Bidders should provide a business plan with the following:

1. Analyze the potential size of the market for our clothes in China
2. Analyze whether the best approach to entering the market is build up a local brand from scratch using the existing designs, use the same brand as in the United States or partnering with an existing Chinese label using the United States designs
3. Provide details of the various options in (2), including costs, cities to target, areas to target and potential distributors
4. All descriptions of potential distributors should include contact person, job title, office telephone number, fax number and mobile number, corporate website
5. Provide a timeline for roll out of the product line across areas and cities

The bidder which best satisfies all of the above criteria has the highest chance of winning the bid.

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